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Roberto Brunetti died, goodbye to “Er Patata” by Romanzo Criminale

The Roman actor Roberto Brunetti, known on the Italian film scene by the nickname “Er Patata”, was found dead in his apartment in the Tiburtina area. He was 55 years old, turned a few days ago.

To give the alarm, Friday evening around 10.30 pm, was the actor’s partner, worried because she could not get in touch with him: Brunetti did not answer the phone or the door, and the agents of the Salary Commissioner, assisted by the brigade fire and from 118, they decided to enter the house.

The now lifeless body of the man was found lying on the bed, with no visible signs of violence. The apartment was also in order, and nothing suggests at the moment that the death was attributable to some form of violence. The public prosecutor on duty was notified of the incident, who seized the apartment and ordered an autopsy to ascertain the causes of death. According to what is learned, residues of cocaine and hashish were found in the house, but everything is still being examined by investigators.

The news fell on friends, colleagues and fans of the actor like a boulder, dozens of messages of shock and condolence shared on social networks. Born in Rome, Brunetti became famous thanks to his participation in some of the most famous Italian comedies including “Fireworks” by Leonardo Pieraccione and “Paparazzi” by Neri Parenti, but one of his best known roles is probably that of Aldo Buffoni in “Romanzo Criminale”, the film by Michele Placido about the Banda della Magliana. He has been linked for a long time to actress Monica Scattini, who passed away in 2015.

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