Robert Fabricio Lara Loorthe current vice mayor of Saint Vincenthas to assume the titular position in that Manabi Municipality, after the murder of the mayor Brigitte Garcia. Article 62 of Organic Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization (Cootad) stipulates that, after the definitive absence of a mayor, the vice mayor must finish the term of his predecessor.
In Mantathe previous year a case similar to what is happening today happened in Saint Vincent. After the murder of the mayor Agustín Intriago, Marciana Valdivieso I occupy the titular role in that Municipality.
In Saint Vincenta canton north of Manabi, activities in the Municipality are suspended this Monday. It is not known how many days of mourning will govern in that jurisdiction.
This morning, outside the municipal building, a memorial service was held in memory of the murdered mayor. The coffin with her body arrived from Canoerural parish of Saint Vincent, where she was from. In an event open to the public and guarded by dozens of police and military personnel, family members, citizens and friends said their last goodbye to García.
Ecuavisa informs that the official’s funeral will be this March 26 in Canoe.

On the other hand, Robert Lara is related to Jairo Loorthe Director of Communication of the Municipality of San Vicente who was also shot in the same vehicle in which the mayor was riding.
Respect to A veilhis body is being veiled in Manta, where he was from. His burial will be this Monday afternoon.
Brigitte Garcia27 years old, was the youngest mayor of Ecuador and was a member of the Citizen revolution.
#Robert #Lara #assume #Mayors #Office #San #Vicente