Home » World » Robert F. Kennedy Jr. left a dead bear cub in New York’s Central Park – 2024-08-05 02:36:10

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. left a dead bear cub in New York’s Central Park – 2024-08-05 02:36:10

Robert F. Kennedy told about a strange situation that happened 10 years ago in the message service X.

USA:n presidenttikisassa itsenäisenä ehdokkaana."/>Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is participating in the US presidential race as an independent candidate. AOP

The independent presidential candidate of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., told about a strange situation that happened 10 years ago in a video he published on the messaging service X on Sunday.

He said he was driving to New York’s Hudson River Valley when he noticed another driver run over a young bear. He decided to put the dead bear cub in his car.

– I stopped and picked up the bear and put it in the back of my van because I was going to skin the bear. It was in very good condition and I was going to put the meat in my fridge, he explained in the video to actress Roseanne Barr.

Later, he drove back to town for dinner with the bear in tow. The dinner ran late and Kennedy had to go straight to the airport. Naturally, he couldn’t take the bear with him. He said he pitched the idea to his friends to take the bear to New York’s Central Park and make it look like a bicyclist had hit it.

– Everyone thought it was a great idea. So we did and thought it would be amusing to whoever found it.

As Kennedy explained this strange situation, others around him laughed, including Barr.

“On the front page of every magazine”

According to Kennedy, the next day the bear in question appeared on the front page of every newspaper, and official investigations were launched. Kennedy said he was worried at the time because he had left fingerprints.

– Fortunately, the matter subsided after some time. Now the New Yorker somehow found out about it and they are going to do a big article about me, Kennedy said.

Kennedy thinks that the New Yorker is doing the story in a negative light and that’s why he decided to tell the story publicly.

Among other things, CNN says in its story that in 2014 there was news about a similar matter. At that time, a dead bear was found in the middle of the central park.

You can watch the video published by Kennedy in the embed below.

– I’m looking forward to how the New Yorker will translate this story, he writes in X.

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