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Robert and Tomasz Stockinger didn’t have it easy. That’s why they had a conflict

Robert Stockinger is reluctant to talk about private matters, but at some point in his life he opened up about his relationship with his father, Tomasz Stockinger. There are many indications that the public revelation of the truth was a cleansing experience for the gentlemen.

“Nobody likes to talk about their family problems, and I especially couldn’t tell anyone anything, because I knew that such information would arouse unhealthy interest. As an only child, I was alone with my parents’ problems. At home, it was sometimes hard to bear, and when I left, I heard how others envied me. I had the feeling that I was hiding secrets from the whole world,” Robert said in an interview with Gazeta.


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Tomasz Stockinger did not remain indifferent to his son’s words and in an interview for Plejada he referred to his offspring’s bold statement.

“It’s true that before my wife and I decided to move in together, our home was quite turbulent. We both wanted to do well, but it didn’t always work out. So there were quiet days and arguments. We went through many difficult moments. Sometimes that happens in life. It’s just that. Nevertheless, we tried to do everything so that our son would feel it as little as possible,” he revealed.

After the breakup, things were tough. Despite that, the gentlemen enjoyed spending time together.

“Even after I moved out, I had constant contact with Robert. We spent a lot of time together, we traveled a lot together. I also wanted to have the best possible relationship with Jola, my wife and Robert’s mother. I think that to a large extent, we succeeded,” he added to his previous statement.

Tomasz did not hide the fact that, although there were difficulties, his parents’ separation was simply… exemplary.

“I think my parents can be held up as an example to other couples who have separated. We spend all holidays and birthdays together, we are still a family. The only thing is that mom and dad have signed divorce papers and do not live under the same roof. That’s all. My children know about it, but they do not bother about it at all. They do not ask about it. It is not written anywhere that grandparents have to be married and live together,” he said.


Robert Stockinger

So what else did the gentlemen have a problem with? Robert could not accept that people judged him and compared him to his father.

“It annoyed me that even though I didn’t talk about my dad myself, everyone I met mentioned him and judged me through his prism,” he told Plejada.

Ultimately, the offspring tried to find something positive in the situation. He emphasizes that he can be happy about at least two things.

“But I’m glad that my dad is not a presenter, but an actor, and that he never worked at TVN. Apart from the fact that we have the same surname and appear on television on different channels, nothing connects us professionally,” he concluded his statement, somewhat mockingly.

It seems that everything has worked out and today there are no reasons for disputes between the gentlemen. This is an advantage not only for them, but also for the next generations. After all, Tomasz has two children, who certainly care about a good relationship with their grandfather.

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