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Robbery, russ fighting and filling:

On the night of May 1, there were riots in a number of places in the country.

But also the night before May 2, Saturday night, there is noise in several places. Especially Russians have gathered and drink alcohol in several places.

– Several messages accumulations of russ and other young people. Should be amp on the spot, and the police are on their way, the police in the East write, after there has been a riot at Breivoll in Ås.

Also in Trondheim, the police have had to travel to Theisendammen, after they were notified of many drunk young people who were gathered.

– 30-40 young people in total. The party ended. Not good in these times … the police in Trøndelag write on Twitter.

A few hours later, the Trøndelag police reported a fight, this time in Stjørdal.

More of the same

Also in Bergen, the police and ambulance personnel have moved out after many young people have gathered in Tennebekktjørna in Nipedalen.

– A person has been in the water, and is being followed up by health, the police write.

MANY COLLECTED: At Skjoldabukta in Bergen, there were many young people in place on Saturday night. Photo: Rano Tahseen / TV 2

The police also talk to the other young people at the place who drink alcohol.

Operations Manager Eivind Hellesund had a busy night until 1 May. For the time being, the night until Sunday is likely to be more of the same for the West police district.

– It is the same trend as yesterday, with a large gathering of young people, russ and young adults, Hellsund says to TV 2 at 00.30.

He says that the police currently do not have the capacity to respond to all reports of disorderly conduct and party riots.

Hoping for rain

Nygårdsparken was the center of events for festive Bergen residents on the night of 1 May, and it also boils in the park on Saturday. TV 2’s photographer on site estimates that there are up to 800 party-minded young people there, but that there are far too many to count accurately.

Operations Manager Hellesund confirms that the police have received many reports of riots in Nygårdsparken.

There are festival-like tendencies in Nygårdsparken on Saturday night.

There are festival-like tendencies in Nygårdsparken on Saturday night. Photo: Pål Schatuun / TV 2

– But with the number of people who are there now, it’s not just sending in a single patrol to chase them out either. If you clear them away from one place, the problems will only move to another neighborhood. It is a complex situation, Hellesund explains.

He emphasizes that it is not forbidden to stay in the park, but that activities such as drinking, urinating, littering and noise at night are something that seizes expensive resources for the police.

– What I had wanted now was a little proper western weather. Some rain showers had helped now, the operations manager concludes.

TV 2's photographer could not count all the party participants in Nygårdsparken on Saturday night.

TV 2’s photographer could not count all the party participants in Nygårdsparken on Saturday night. Photo: Pål Schatuun / TV 2

There will also be large gatherings at Skjoldabukta, Kollevågen and Sanviksbodene on Saturday night.

TV 2’s reporter on site can count over 100 people in Skjoldabukta, and several are very close.

The Russians are fighting

At Mæla in Skien, the police moved out after they received reports of a fight between several Russians at a secondary school.

There should be a dozen russ on the spot.

– Several races in different directions when the police arrived, they write.

In Byremo in Agder, between 250 and 300 young people had gathered in connection with a robbery, the police in Agder report.

– There is a good atmosphere, but the infection control rules are not complied with in a satisfactory way, the police write.

In Randaberg, just north of Stavanger, a group of Russians attacked ambulance personnel who were to help an intoxicated drunk. The medrussen became ugly and cracked after the ambulance personnel.

– The police came in contact with the others in the Russian bus and had them tightened up in relation to their behavior towards the ambulance personnel, the police write on Twitter.

Encouragement to parents

The police in the East write at 22 o’clock on Twitter that in the course of three hours they have received over 25 messages about various gatherings, riots and drunkenness from both Russians and young people under 18 years of age.

– We want to urge all parents to have control over their young people in these times, they write.

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