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Waldshut-Tiengen: Witness saves drowning by risking his own life
Freiburg (ots) –
An outstanding rescue operation took place on Saturday, August 19th. around 1:03 p.m. in the Kadelburger-Lauffen/Ettikon area.
A 57-year-old truck driver went with other colleagues to swim on the German bank of the Rhine despite the signposted ban on bathing. He initially went into the water alone when he apparently got caught in a whirlpool and screamed for help. The current was so strong at the spot that he was pulled under water.
A 53-year-old passing witness noticed the cries for help and reacted in a more than exemplary manner. Risking his own life, he jumped into the water and was able to bring the drowning man to the safe shore.
The 57-year-old was already unconscious, which is why resuscitation measures were initiated immediately, which the rescue service was able to continue.
The 57-year-old was flown to the hospital in Zurich by rescue helicopter from Switzerland, where he received further treatment. He is now out of danger.
At this point, we expressly point out once again not to underestimate the dangers of flowing waters, especially the Rhine, and to look for safe bathing spots to cool off!
The police expressly thank the courageous witness for his courageous, selfless behavior, who was able to save another life at the risk of his own life.
Media inquiries please contact:
Freiburg Police HeadquartersPress OfficeThomas SpislaTelephone: 0761 / 882 [email protected]
Outside office hours – email: [email protected]
Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
This report was sent by the police headquarters in Freiburg on August 24th, 2023 at 8:13 a.m.
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Criminal statistics on crimes in the category robberies in apartments in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald
2022 were determined by the police crime statistics (PKS) of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald 0 crimes in the category robbery in apartments recorded. The clearance rate was attached here 0%. In 0% of cases it was an attempted crime. among the 0 suspects in total there were 0 men and 0 women. 0% of the persons are suspects of non-German origin.
AgeNumber of suspects under 21021 to 25025 to 30030 to 40040 to 50050 to 600 over 600
For the year 2021 are the police crime statistics of the BKA 2 recorded cases of robbery known in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald clearance rate was attached here 50%.
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#Blue #light #report #Freiburg #August #24th #WaldshutTiengen #Witness #saves #drowning #man #risking #life