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Robbery attempt against carabiniere in Naples, 15 year old dies

A 15-year-old boy died in Naples last night in an attempt to rob a carabiniere in civilian clothes. According to the first reports, the boy was armed; the military reacted and in the shooting the 15 year old was injured by two shots, one in the head and the other in the chest.

The minor R.H. he was injured in via Generale Giordano Orsini, in the area of ​​Santa Lucia.

Transported to the Vecchio Pellegrini hospital by some friends, he was hospitalized in the intensive care unit but died shortly after, during a surgery.

At dawn, the boy’s relatives invaded and devastated the old emergency room of the Old Pellegrini, the police intervened, but at 7 the hospital emergency room health workers found damage to furnishings and equipment as well as the absence of sanitary conditions and they stopped the service.

At 7.30 am the suspension of the first aid service was declared, with the transfer of 8 patients present in the wards of the same hospital or, with the help of 118, in other city hospitals.

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