NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 03:03
Rob Jetten wants to succeed Sigrid Kaag as party leader of D66. That’s what he says in an interview with AD. According to him, it is “time for a new generation” and Jetten says to bring “the youthfulness, the experience and the willingness to solve things together”.
“It is necessary that a new political generation takes the helm, which is less dragged by the past and tries to solve things openly and uninhibitedly,” he says. The current outgoing minister for Climate and Energy says in the newspaper that he “wants new energy for the Netherlands” and sees himself as someone “who dares to bridge differences and solves problems.”
Yesterday it became clear that Kaag will not be the leader of D66 in the upcoming elections and will leave politics. “My work takes a toll on my family,” she said in an interview with Trouw. In May, her daughters appealed to their mother to do something else. The politician is under heavy security because of threats.
‘Recognizable performance’
Whether Jetten can actually become the party leader is not certain, because D66 is organizing party leader elections. “Of course I hope for a lot of support from the party, not only from the top, but also from the ordinary members who will soon have to campaign on the street,” the 36-year-old politician told the newspaper.
As party leader of the party, he will not change course, but act “very recognizable”. “Really stand for the democratic rule of law, freedoms and moral leadership.”
Climate crisis as a threat
According to the AD, Jetten would like to continue as minister. “The climate crisis is one of the greatest threats to the entire planet,” he says. Among other things, he wants to ensure that people get lower energy bills. According to the newspaper, he also insists on good jobs in a green economy.
Jetten entered the House of Representatives on behalf of D66 in 2017 and succeeded Alexander Pechtold as party chairman after a year. He was appointed minister in January last year. Before working in national politics, he worked for rail manager ProRail. He was also chairman of the youth branch of D66 (Young Democrats) and he was a member of the Nijmegen city council on behalf of D66.
2023-07-14 01:03:34
#Rob #Jetten #party #leader #D66