Home » Entertainment » Rob “Bunny” Bates, a resident of Greenville, has died

Rob “Bunny” Bates, a resident of Greenville, has died

Rob Bates of Greenville, South Carolina, known for his starring role in the Netflix series “Tex Mex Motors,” has died. Betts, also known as “Bunny,” died Sunday of stomach cancer at age 45, according to his videographer Jeff Trahan. Bates was filming the second season of the Netflix show “Tex Mex Motors” in March when he was diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer, Trahan said. The following tribute video was posted to YouTube Sunday night and has garnered nearly a million views. In the video, Bates said, “Don’t feel sorry for me. I fulfilled my dream of buying my own store, filming season two of Netflix and marrying the love of my life.” Bates grew up in Greenville and attended Wade Hampton High School, Trahan said. Pitts was also CEO of Pitts Truck Service and owned Rabbits Used Cars in Seneca.

Rob BettsThe American Tex-Mex Motors actor from Greenville, South Carolina, who was best known for his leading role in the Netflix series “Tex-Mex Motors,” has died.

According to his videographer Jeff Trahan, Betts, also known as “Bunny,” died of stomach cancer on Sunday at the age of 45.

Bates was filming the second season of the Netflix series “Tex-Mex Motors” in March when he was diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer, Trahan said.

Rob Betts

The following tribute video was posted to YouTube on Sunday evening and has received nearly a million views.

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In the video, Bates said: “Don’t be sad for me, I fulfilled my dream of buying my own store, filming season two of Netflix and marrying the love of my life.”

Bates grew up in Greenville and was educated at Wade Hampton High School, Trahan said.

Pitts was also CEO of Pitts Truck Service and owner of Rabbits Used Cars in Seneca.

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