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Road traffic from the children’s point of view

After the summer holidays, hundreds of children from Glarus come into regular contact with road traffic. During this time the police are active with various actions with the support of the TCS and ACS: this year again with a present for the drivers. These are distributed by the third grade at four locations in the canton. “Two years ago there was a microfiber cloth, this time there is a cleaning cloth for glasses, for a clear view,” explains policeman Markus Fritschi. A children’s drawing also provides a personal touch. To this end, the canton police launched a painting competition in which all 2nd grade students could take part. A total of 250 drawings were received that show how the children see the traffic. From this large number, three police officers then selected four pictures, which were then printed on the cloths. «In addition to the honor and our own cleaning cloth, we were able to collect a few prizes for the winners. “Last week, like last Wednesday in Riedern, it was the same at three other schools. Policeman Fritschi visited the respective class and was surprised that someone from this group had won. In Riedern this was Lilly Landolt, who on her drawing depicted the danger of playing near the street. As a thank you, she received a TCS goose game on the subject of road traffic, as well as a ruler, bicycle lock and a card game. For everyone else, Fritschi has already given away a glasses cleaning cloth with Lilly’s motif, as well as a small box of sweets. After the summer holidays, it will be these classes that will distribute the cloth to the drivers. This as a small thank you for showing consideration and patience for the little ones on the road.

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