Home » News » Road Passenger Transport Facing Shortage of 1,000 Workers: New Training Courses Aim to Attract Young People, Especially Women

Road Passenger Transport Facing Shortage of 1,000 Workers: New Training Courses Aim to Attract Young People, Especially Women

Despite job offers on permanent contracts and stable jobs, road passenger transport is short of 1,000 workers. The profession is creating new training courses to attract more young people, especially young women.
With a total of 12,229 jobs and 38 companies created in 2022, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is the second most dynamic region in France for passenger transport. The growth of activity is mainly driven by the development of tourism and by an organization that is placed under the responsibility of the area that is granted by law with the capacity of mobility for intercity and school transport.
At the regional general assembly of the National Federation of Passenger Transport, held in Romanèches-Thorins, in Saône et Loire, a circular table showed the employment situation. The discussions made it possible to establish a perspective and discuss solutions. Paul Vidal, regional councilor responsible for school and intercity transport, Jean Sébastien Barrault, president of the FNTV, Pierre-Yves Péguy, lecturer in economic sciences and director of the Laboratory of Transport and Economic Planning (LAET) at the University of Lyon II, and Michel Seyt, co-president of the FNTV Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, had an extensive exchange.

Very strict hiring conditions

Passenger transport companies offer attractive positions: 94% permanent contracts, full-time, long-term jobs, no increase in staff turnover, stable staff. The profession lost no jobs in 2022, a trend confirmed in 2023.

The situation is even very tight in terms of recruitment. In 2022 in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the survey of Pôle Emploi BMO (Labour Needs) identified 2,510 recruitment projects, and 63% of the institutions surveyed admitted that they had difficulty recruiting. From 2021 to 2022, the number of temporary workers in passenger transport in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes increased by 50%, from 135 to 204. At the beginning of the 2023 school year, there was a national shortage of 6,000 drivers, compared to 8,000 the previous year. At the regional level, 1,000 drivers were missing.

Renewal of the workforce

With 40% of professionals over 50, the sector is reacting so that its professions are no longer just retraining jobs in the second half of their professional lives. It contributed at a national level to lowering the age of a D license to drive certain public transport services​​​​​​to 18 years, compared to 21 years before. But this is not enough.
However, there are several business ventures. The professional carries out recruitment work in large area car parks, driver greetings and loyalty activities, “punching” meetings with transporters, promoting professions on the Jobs/Directions/Careers forums anywhere in the region…

Training activities

The profession has made great efforts in training, together with its partners. In 2022, France Travail delivered 864 professional titles for public transport drivers on the road (urban + interurban), an increase of 51% compared to 2021. With a female rate of 22%, the share of women in this training is more higher than that of women. average for the profession is 19%.
In partnership with AFTRAL, FNTV Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has developed the training offer. In 2023, he created CAP C4A of “Driver of Reception Agent in Bus and Coach” which made it possible to train 32.
youth It is taught in Bron (69), Pont-de-Chéruy (Isère), Chambéry (73) and Montélimar (26).
In 2024, three new apprenticeship training courses were launched in Bourg-en-Bresse (01) and Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (Isère). At the end of this training, the integration rate is high: 6 months after the end of the training, 70% of graduates are in work.

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2024-05-01 01:55:25
#Auvergne #RhôneAlpes #road #passenger #transport #drivers

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