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Road Homicides: The Need for Stricter Penalties and Victim Support

Manslaughters on the road become “road homicides” when accompanied by aggravating circumstances: alcohol, narcotics, speed. This name does not change the penalties incurred, which are 5, 7 or 10 years in prison and, respectively, 75,000, 100,000 and 150,000 euros in fines. Reaction of Antoine Régley, lawyer at the bar of Lille, specialist in road law.

How do you react to the creation of this offense of “road homicide”?

Antoine Regley:The symbol is beautiful, the terms were expected, but it’s a faint ray of sunshine in a cloud of disillusionment. We can be very disappointed because, after Palmade and the Roubaix police, we could have decided to provide psychological support to road accident victims. It was also time to make sure that the insurance companies stop opposing their own faults to the victims in order to compensate them less. We wonder how many tragedies we still have to wait for us to really consider the victims. It’s a joke: not a euro to offer them a psychologist. The outstretched hand feels like a slap.

You are angry ?

Antoine Regley: “Let’s say it’s communication, measuring it. We’ve been told for four months you’ll see what you’ll see and… the mountain gives birth to a mouse”.

You say that we could have expected more… If we had increased the penalties, would we have reduced the number of deaths and injuries on the roads?

Antoine Regley: “There are several solutions to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on the roads. In repression, prison sentences are not assigned by judges. On the other hand, kicking the wallet works. We have seen it with the radars under Chirac Why not make the driver pay under the influence of drugs or alcohol all or part (50% or 100%) damages for the victims. Losing a driver’s license is not scary. The victims, they claim these allowances and a minimum of prison, if only three weeks to make think.

It would undoubtedly make people more responsible, but it would no longer be the insurance companies that would compensate…

Antoine Regley: “Only in this type of case, that of the offense of “road homicide”. Do you know when a driver is not insured, it is a guarantee fund which compensates the victim but then if this guarantee fund gives 100,000 euros, he will ask the driver for 130,000 euros and he will not let go. However, the insurance companies do not do this: they will never recover the money from the driver, suddenly everyone’s contributions increased by 40% in 10 years. Good drivers pay for a minority of speeders.”

Hence your idea of ​​making the driver pay for the damages he causes to the victims…

Antoine Regley: “Yes, but it is above all so that there are fewer deaths and injuries on the roads, not to lower the contributions of the insured. With the radars, we can see it, the French drive better. money, it works.”

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