Home » today » News » Road cyclist seriously injured in accident – identified with smartwatch

Road cyclist seriously injured in accident – identified with smartwatch

An 83-year-old from the district of Wels-Land drove his car towards Scharten at around 3:30 p.m. and wanted to turn left onto Feldstrasse. According to his own information, he overlooked the oncoming 47-year-old racing cyclist from Linz. The cyclist crashed into the car, the side window of the passenger door breaking. The 47-year-old was left seriously injured on the road.

After the first aid by the emergency doctor, the man was brought to the Wels-Grieskirchen hospital. The pensioner was not injured.

Since the racing cyclist did not have any documents with him, his identity could not be clarified at first. With the man’s smartwatch, the police were able to Track the saved route to Linz and back to its home address. There his wife could be informed about the accident.


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