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RN loan: after the virus, the scam?

The RN is in legal trouble, but the RN … has ideas for getting out of it: launching a “large national loan”, at the staggering rate of 5%. However, the RN does not forget its anti-foreigner fads. Everything takes the form of an email sent to its supporters. Point-to-point decryption.

In recent days, RN (National Rally) members and supporters have received a pretty electronic missive entitled “Masks for illegal immigrants but not for our nursing homes ?! “. She started like this: ” In the midst of a health crisis, while France counts her dead every evening, Macron and her friends seem to have a priority: the well-being of migrants! Under the pretext of epidemic risk, the administrative detention centers are literally emptied and the illegal migrants who were detained there, most of whom come out of prison, are released into the wild …

Finally free migrants

In fact, if several administrative retention centers (CRA) in Marseille, Nîmes or Lyon have been emptied of their few dozen occupants, it is because there are reasons.

On the one hand, because the aim of the detention is to return them to their country of origin ” at short notice ” However, many countries having closed their borders, this is no longer possible, leading to confinement to ” lack of legal basis “, as said the Human Rights Defender, who called for their closure.

On the other hand, because these unhealthy and overcrowded places make impossible measures of “social distancing”, for the detained as for the supervisors (usually pampered by the RN). It’s still crazy: we put the migrants outside and the RN complains!

Treat or welcome, will we have to choose?

We can smile at this lepenist obsession which seems to be the
cadet of the concerns of the French. However, it would be a mistake to take these
large, lightly xenophobic strings. Certainly when we get out of the
confinement, in… November 2023, there will be a national consensus in favor of
the hospital.

But France will accumulate an enormous amount of public debt. And the nonsense on ” our social model which is too expensive “, Or on” difficult but necessary choices “Will start again, which will set the stage for the little music” yes at the hospital, but let’s save on migrants, people on assistance, unnecessary civil servants

Because you still haven’t forgotten that even the “progressive” majority of En Marche had recently called into question State Medical Aid (AME), which allows undocumented people to receive free medical treatment, and which is the minimum of the minimum of humanism, if?

You don’t remember that the government dared to move forward than ” some people who arrive in France with a tourist visa remain in the territory after its expiration, just the time it takes to get treatment for free, then they leave for their country of origin “?

And this, while the problem is exactly the opposite: many undocumented people do not seek this help because they are unaware of it or for fear of being controlled. Result: their pathologies worsen which, as they do not all have the good taste to die from it, or not quickly enough, engorges emergencies, and constitutes, in the case of infectious diseases a threat to the health of the whole population – even outside the pandemic.

So if our pragmatic, open and tolerant government was
already capable of such ignominy in November 2019, I let you imagine what
that he’s going to take us out in a while

Don’t you have a little room for the far right?

In the meantime, the RN, which is experiencing major financial difficulties due to its electoral setbacks and the multiple convictions to come, hopes to get the chestnuts out of the fire by proposing an enticing Large National Loan, paid 5% a year, that is, insists the leaflet, ” ten times more than Livret A

Marine Le Pen, in a video not to be missed, explains that facing ” power blows “And to” organized powers ” who does not ” not support that the French can become again masters of their destiny “, The RN wants to find its” financial freedom “With French money.

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Well, you still have to have some sorrel aside, since you have to lend at least € 1,000. On the other hand, specify the reactions in camembert sauce, ” there is no ceiling ” So nice !
Above all, Marine “insists” on the fact that by lending to the RN, you will get a return ” unrivaled on the market ” And here she is transformed into a paid bank advisor on commission, who laughs at alternative investments: the Livret A? A miserable 0.5%. Life insurance? 1.4% before tax.

Conclusion: lend to the RN ” turns out to be a very good deal ” But therein lies the problem. Since yields have collapsed everywhere, where will these 5% staggering come from?

They are explained first by the law on the moralization of the
public life
which obliges to fix, for political loans,
a rate higher than 3.8%, in order to avoid disguised loans.

And, also, of the desire to attract gogos. Indeed, the RN does not produce anything, does not sell anything. How could he get you to borrow € 1,000 and reimburse you, in a year, € 1,050? Where will these € 50 come from, since we imagine that they will no longer be able, as in the past, to come from European Union subsidies?

Like a little scam

From nowhere. And this for a simple reason: if the RN borrows, it is because it needs money, hey hey. So he’s going to use this money to pay his staff, bribe elected officials, uh, sorry, organize conferences, stick posters, etc. However, the RN cannot both spend and invest this money. As the English say: you cannot have your cake and eat it too, a variant of butter and silver butter.

These 5% are therefore a scam. The only possibility that I see, even if it is only a hypothesis, is, for the far-right movement, to pay in 2021 the interest to those who lent it in 2020 with the cash inflows of those who will lend it again … in 2021.

I hope I haven’t lost you. Otherwise, read again, you will see, that is understandable. But does that seem wobbly? It is, absolutely. It is one of the oldest scams in the world, used in all latitudes. His name remained associated with that of Carlo Pietro Giovanni Guglielmo Tebaldo Ponzi under the name of “Ponzi pyramid”.

Born in 1882 in Lugo, near Bologna, Ponzi emigrates to Boston, where he promises anyone who lends him money to return it three months later with 50% interest. Obviously, it is jostling at the gate! He can therefore easily pay interest to the first arrivals with the money that the others rush to lend him. At the end of July 1920, he was in charge of the equivalent of $ 200 million today.

However, the more it is loaned, the more insane the interest payable becomes. The press smells the mess, the American administration opens an investigation, justice gets involved and the verdict falls: Ponzi is sentenced to 5 years in prison.

My enemies the bankers

As Christian Chavagneux tells in his fascinating book The most beautiful stories of the scam (Threshold), Carlo Pietro Giovanni Guglielmo Tebaldo Ponzi, before becoming a full-time scammer, had a brilliant idea: to launch a completely free newspaper, financed by advertising.

Aimed at exporting companies, this duck was to be called
the Trader’s Guide. But Ponzi hadn’t gotten a loan from his bank,
who treated him with contempt. And Ponzi had sworn to take revenge.

Likewise, we know that Marine Le Pen has more than complicated relationships with banks. Unable to borrow from them the sums desired during the last presidential campaign, the President of the RN had to borrow 6 million euros … to his father.

Worse still: in November 2017, Société Générale had
closed the accounts that the RN had with her, Marine le Pen denouncing to this
opportunity a
“Discrimination” and a “banking fatwa”

But it’s still funny that the RN is inspired by a scam developed by an immigrant to try to get out of it … Well, if it is to end up in jail like Ponzi, why not? ●

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