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RKI is reporting the number of cases since Tuesday

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From: Stephen Krieger

The Robert Koch Institute publishes the current number of corona cases in Germany. Tuesday’s (November 29) data development at a glance.

Berlin/Frankfurt – The Robert Koch Institute recorded the nationwide incidence of the coronavirus for seven days on Tuesday (November 29). 190.6 specified. This is the value that the RKI dashboard lists at 3.45am on Tuesday of the previous week, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week was 183.2.

However, the incidence does not give a complete picture of the infection situation. For a long time, experts have assumed that there will be a large number of unrecorded cases of RKI, mainly because not all infected people have had a PCR test done. Only positive PCR tests count in the statistics. Furthermore, late registrations or transmission problems can lead to distortions of the individual daily values.

The RKI publishes the current number of corona cases every day. (symbol photo) © Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

Corona in Germany: many infections are not recognized or reported

German health authorities have also reported to the RKI 46,552 New corona infections (previous week: 41,676) e 162 Deaths (previous week: 199) within one day. Again, the data comparisons are only meaningful to a limited extent due to test behavior, late entries, and transmission problems. The RKI has been counting since the beginning of the pandemic 36,419,717 SARS-CoV-2 confirmed infections in Germany. However, the actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections go undetected. Overall, the RKI dashboard 157,657 deaths for Germany in connection with Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic.

Corona in Germany: an overview of the developments of the past week

Tuesday (November 29) 46,552 162 190.6
Saturday (November 26) 24,687 107 189.5
Friday (November 25) 30.016 274 190.8
Thursday (November 24) 38.090 163 186.3
Wednesday (November 23) 33,290 219 203.4
Tuesday (November 22) 41,676 199 183.2
Those Robert Koch Institute/RKI dashboard Information provided without guarantee

Corona pandemic in Germany: Inaccurate picture of the current infection situation

The current number of cases and incidences does not give a clear picture of the current infection situation. In general, the number of new infections and deaths recorded varies significantly from weekday to weekday, as many federal states do not report to the RKI, especially on weekends and holidays, and only report cases later in the week. week. Therefore, the RKI no longer publishes data on Sundays and Mondays or after public holidays.

Current Corona case numbers: Important note on RKI figures

  • Values ​​must be taken into accountthat individual countries do not report data for all days of the week. At the weekend, the transmission by the health authorities is not mandatory by law. Since there are no direct consequences at the state or federal level, fewer and fewer health authorities and federal states are reporting data on Saturdays and Sundays. There may also be delays on public holidays.
  • daily fluctuations therefore it should not be overestimated, especially at the weekend and at the beginning of the week. This in turn leads to late registrations in the following days. A comparison of the daily values ​​therefore becomes more and more difficult. For the evaluation of the course it is therefore more appropriate to consider the weekly comparison.
  • The pros have been going on for some time also from a large number of cases not recorded by the RKI – due to overworked health authorities and because not all infected people have had a PCR test. Only these count in the stats. Furthermore, late registrations or transmission problems can lead to a distortion of the individual daily values.
  • Therefore, when interpreting the numbers of the current case It should be noted that due to the lower level of testing, reporting and reporting activity, there may be an increase in under-reporting of cases in the reporting system. A detailed assessment of the epidemiological situation takes place every Thursday in the weekly report of the RKI.

Have you been infected with omicron or do you suspect it? Here you can find out everything you need to know about the Omikron corona variant, including symptoms and incubation period. (talk to dpa/afp)

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