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RKI defends crisis management and vaccinations

The “RKI Files” reveal alleged deficiencies in Corona crisis management and spark debates. Critics doubt the protective measures, while the RKI warns against hasty judgments.

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Wilhelmshaven – According to the Corona skeptics, the “RKI files” reveal the alleged “vaccination scandal”. The protocols comprise several thousand pages. While the leaked protocols cover the period up to 2023, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) itself has so far only published the crisis team’s protocols from 2020 and 2021, with the remaining protocols still being reviewed for publication. As the RKI reports, this concerns the legitimate interests of individuals or business secrets.

The RKI points out that the minutes of the crisis team’s discussions must be viewed in a chronological context and against the background of the current state of knowledge. It warns against hasty conclusions. Insofar as the author has looked through the minutes in bullet points or used secondary sources, he has drawn the following overview:

The harmful psychosocial effects of the isolation orders were already recognized by scientists, politicians and authorities when they were issued. Today, in the light of better knowledge, there is a debate about whether the right balance was struck at the time. The protective effect of the vaccinations is obvious, supported by statistics. Although they do not protect against infection, they do protect against serious cases overall.

According to the RKI, it has been statistically proven that masks reduce the risk of infection. However, they should be properly fitting FFP2 masks. Cases of corruption in the procurement of masks are a different story. This also applies to the frequent billing fraud in the tests. The point of mass mouth and nose mucous membrane swabs is being discussed today in view of the more effective method of detecting the virus in wastewater.

In Europe, the mortality rate of those infected with Corona varied between one and three percent, in the USA it was two percent, and in African countries, too, higher mortality rates were generally not officially reported. According to studies, the World Health Organization (WHO) nevertheless assumes that there are five to ten times more Corona deaths than officially reported in countries with poorly developed health systems.

Wilhelmshaven – According to the Corona skeptics, the “RKI files” reveal the alleged “vaccination scandal”. The protocols comprise several thousand pages. While the leaked protocols cover the period up to 2023, the Robert Koch Institute itself has so far only published the crisis team’s protocols from 2020 and 2021, with the remaining protocols still being reviewed for publication. According to the institute, this concerns the legitimate interests of individuals or business secrets.

The RKI points out that the minutes of the crisis team’s discussions must be viewed in a chronological context and against the background of the current state of knowledge. It warns against hasty conclusions. Insofar as the author has looked through the minutes in bullet points or used secondary sources, he has drawn the following overview:

The harmful psychosocial effects of isolation orders on the elderly and children were already recognized by scientists, politicians and authorities when they were issued. Today, in the light of better knowledge, there is debate about whether the right balance was struck at the time.

The protective effect of the vaccinations is obvious, supported by statistics. Although they do not protect against infection, as politicians initially falsely claimed, they do protect against serious cases overall. The manufacturers did not promise more than that, as is currently also evident from the files of a lawsuit brought against AstraZeneca because of vaccine damage. The number of verifiable vaccine damages is very low compared to the number of vaccinations carried out.

According to the RKI, it is statistically proven that masks reduce the risk of infection. However, they should be FFP2 masks and must be worn correctly. Because these masks were not yet sufficiently available at the beginning of the pandemic, other masks, including homemade ones, were initially recommended as a substitute. Cases of corruption in the purchase of masks are a different matter and are currently being investigated legally and politically.

This also applies to the frequent billing fraud in the tests. The purpose of mass mouth and nose swabs is now being discussed in light of the more effective method of detecting the virus in wastewater. Self-testing is still recommended for cold and flu symptoms so that virus carriers know they are ill, limit their contacts and thus avoid the spread of the virus.

The number of people who died from or with Corona was particularly high in some areas, especially at the beginning: Bergamo in northern Italy and Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia are still remembered, even if the iconic images of the night-time truck transports from Bergamo gave the false impression that hundreds of bodies had been transported away. The horrific reports nevertheless put pressure on politicians and authorities to act.

Looking back, it can be seen that in Europe the mortality rate of those infected with Corona varied between one and three percent, in the USA it was two percent, and in African countries, too, no higher mortality rates were officially reported.

However, if you look at the rate of excess mortality, you will see that it has risen sharply during the pandemic, especially in countries with poorly developed health systems. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are five to ten times more corona deaths in different countries than officially reported.

The RKI and the Standing Committee on Vaccination are convinced of the protective effect of vaccinations. Otherwise, the death rates in industrialized countries would be very different. The health system would have been completely overwhelmed and not all of those who were ill would have been able to receive treatment.

Hartmut Siefken

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