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Rizieq Shihab’s Walk Out Action Degrades the Dignity of the Panel of Judges and Judiciary. Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Rizieq Shihab, the defendant in the crowd case in Petamburan, Central Jakarta, rejected his rejection of the virtual trial.

Since the inaugural trial which was held at the East Jakarta District Court (PN Jaktim) on Tuesday (16/3/2021), Rizieq has always refused to attend because the trial was held virtually.

Even the former leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) walk out at the inaugural conference.

Also read: Facing Today’s Session, Rizieq’s Attorney Prepares an Objection Note 67 Pages

Rizieq was then forced to attend the courtroom at the Bareskrim Polri detention center by the prosecutor who was assisted by the police at the second trial, Friday (19/3/2021), after insisting he did not want to attend the virtual trial.

After being presented forcibly, Rizieq vented his anger at the panel of judges.

“I am coerced, pushed, humiliated! This is my human right,” Rizieq exclaimed to the jury.

Also read: Persuading Rizieq Shihab who is furious, Judge: This is a State Court, Not the Government, No Photo of the President

In fact, Rizieq had to be appeased by Chief Judge Suparman Nyompa so that the follow-up trial with the indictment reading agenda could begin.

Not only Rizieq, the other defendants in the crowd case in Petamburan and Muhammad Hanif Alatas as the defendant in the Riziew swab test case at Ummi Hospital also refused to attend if the trial was conducted virtually.

Head of Public Relations of the East Jakarta PN, Alex Adam Faisal, revealed that Rizieq’s action was regretted by the Supreme Court (MA) as the highest judicial institution in Indonesia.

Also read: Prosecutor: Rizieq’s Action to Cover Swab Results Resulted in an Increase in Covid-19 Cases in Bogor

As explained by Alex, the MA said that Rizieq had injured the dignity of the judiciary.

“Regarding the incident yesterday, our highest leadership, Your Excellency, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has conveyed his concerns,” said Alex at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday (22/3/2021), as quoted by Antara. Tribune Jakarta.

“That the actions (Rizieq) carried out like that injure the dignity and nobility of the judiciary,” he added.

Rizieq, Alex continued, had specifically lowered the dignity of the panel of judges.

“Especially the morale of the judges, and also injuring the judiciary in general,” said Alex.

He added that, as a defendant, it was Rizieq’s obligation to attend the trial.

“That the defendant is obliged to attend the trial, so his obligation, not his right. Meanwhile, legal advisors or lawyers have been given the power to accompany the defendant,” said Alex.

Also read: East Jakarta District Court Will Hold Rizieq Shihab Exception Session Today

He emphasized that it was the defendant who would suffer losses if he decided not to attend or walk out of the trial.

“If this happens, the defendant himself loses, while the Panel of Judges itself will not prevent the trial to continue, because in the Criminal Procedure Code without the defendant the trial can be continued,” explained Alex.

Investigated by the Judicial Commission

Previously, the Judicial Commission (KY) confirmed that it was investigating Rizieq’s behavior through video broadcasts at the trial to prove whether the defendant was degrading the judge.

“HRS absence online online for technical reasons and so on, it becomes KY’s attention whether this is a category of attitude degrading the dignity of the judge’s honor or not, “said KY chairman Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata, Saturday (20/3/2021).

Responding to this, Alex left the matter entirely to KY.

Also read: Prosecutors Reveal Chronology Until Rizieq Is Tested Positive for Covid-19 on November 23, 2020

Because, according to Law No. 18 of 2011, one of KY’s duties is to take legal action and/or other measures against individuals, groups of people, or legal entities that degrade the honor and dignity of judges.

“KY is an institution that nurtures and protects the spirit (judge and judiciary),” said Alex.

“We only convey things that have happened in the facts of the trial. If he thinks it is appropriate to continue, we also cannot comment, because it is our authority. And that is not our capacity to comment on this matter,” he continued.

For the record, Rizieq was charged with three counts, namely with item numbers 221, 225, and 226.

Case number 221 / Pid.B / 2021 / PN.Jkt.Tim for the defendant Rizieq Shihab in connection with the crowd case in Petamburan.

Case number 225 / Pid.B / 2021 / PN.Jkt.Tim for the defendant Rizieq Shihab regarding the fake swab test of Ummi Hospital.

Meanwhile case number 226 / Pid.B / 2021 / PN.Jkt.Tim for the defendant Rizieq Shihab is related to the crowd case in Megamendung.

Meanwhile, the continued trial of the Rizieq case was held again today, Tuesday (23/3/2021), with the agenda of reading the exception or rejection of the prosecutor’s indictment.

This article has been published on Tribunjakarta.com with the title Supreme Court Deems Rizieq Shihab’s Walk Out Damaged Judicial Dignity (Reporter: Bima Putra / Tribun Jakarta)

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