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RIVM: strange smell from sewer Lelystad was petrol | News

As a precaution, about 500 residents had to live in the Punter district on Saturday out of their home because there was a bad smell. At first it was thought that it was gas, but the air appeared to be coming from the sewer. On Sunday the people could return to their homes.

Because the residents were evacuated quickly and inhaled the substances for a relatively short time, no adverse health consequences are to be expected, according to the municipality. If residents should nevertheless have physical complaints, the municipality advises them to contact their GP. Residents have also been informed by letter what to do if they have mental complaints.

“I am pleased that we now know which substances make up the liquid from the sewage water. Unfortunately, it is not yet known what the cause was. That investigation is still in full swing. As soon as more is known from the police investigation, we will report on this on our website, “said Mayor Henry Meijdam of Lelystad.

“It is clear that there were substances in the sewer that should not be there. The analysis samples showed to have been a mixture of substances that showed similarities with petroleum products such as petrol. Because people were evacuated quickly, they could only smell and inhale the substances from the sewer for a relatively short time. For this reason, no adverse health effects are to be expected, “said Meijdam.

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