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RIVM reports fewer admissions (129) than a week earlier, but slightly more deaths (142) NOW

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) reports 129 new hospital admissions in the daily update on Saturday. That is less than a week earlier, when 189 new admissions were reported to RIVM. Not all corona patients were admitted to the hospital on the same day.

RIVM reports in the update that another 142 people have died from the consequences of the coronavirus. This increases the total death toll to 3,601. Those are slightly more new deaths than exactly a week ago (132). Not all of these people died on the same day. Some patients are not reported to RIVM until days later. Therefore, data from earlier days will be supplemented later.

Among the deceased persons is also an adult aged between 15 and 19 years. This patient had underlying suffering.

There are 1,140 newly confirmed infections with the COVID-19 virus at the institute. In total, 31,589 people in the Netherlands have now tested positive. The total number of patients who have been or have been hospitalized is 9,594.

In reality, more people have become infected with the virus and died from its effects than has been measured. Because not everyone is tested for the coronavirus, not all cases of infection and death are included in the official statistics.

The test capacity has been expanded in recent weeks. The people tested were mainly healthcare workers, hospital patients, residents of nursing or care homes and other vulnerable persons.

RIVM: Still declining

“The figures of the past few days fit the picture that the measures generally seem to work,” RIVM reported Friday. “The number of new reports per day of hospitalized patients is still declining. The number of patients dying is also decreasing, but less rapidly than hospital admissions.” This is probably because the time between infection and death is longer than the time between infection and hospitalization.

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) also announced on Friday that approximately two thousand more people died last week than the average in the first ten weeks of this year. This indicates that more people have died from the coronavirus than reported.

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