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RIVM labels RS virus ‘epidemic’ after 37 infections in one week

If at least 21 infections of this type of virus are reported two weeks in a row, RIVM speaks of an epidemic. The institute confirms this after reporting from the Dutch daily newspaper.

Newborn Babies

The well-known cold virus is harmless to adults, but newborn babies can become quite ill from it. Maria can talk about it. Her son was admitted to the ICU when he was only eight days old:

The virus does not normally occur in the summer. Last winter, the virus was unable to spread due to the corona measures, because people had less contact and kept their distance from others. Schools and daycare centers were also closed.

With the relaxation of the measures, the virus has more chance to spread again. The same picture is seen in other countries.

later than usual

The epidemic is therefore later than normal, but is progressing at the same pace as in winter. That is why RIVM has now informed doctors.

“Because doctors were also made aware of the RS virus during this unusual period, we expect to prevent additional deaths,” RIVM virologist Adam Meijer told the Nederlands Dagblad.

What are the symptoms of an infection with the RS virus?

First the child has a cold and starts sniffling and coughing. One or two days later, the RS virus can cause lung problems. This can happen especially if the child is still a baby. The symptoms are then:

  • Fever
  • Wheezing
  • A quick breath
  • Between the ribs, the skin pulls in when you inhale
  • The nostrils move remarkably with the breath (this is called nostrils)
  • Drinking is not good
  • Sometimes suddenly not breathing for a few seconds
  • The skin turns gray / blue around the mouth and under the nails
  • Drowsiness: Your baby seems sleepy and is difficult to wake

Children can also get ear infections due to the RS virus.

Source: home doctor

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