Home » today » Business » RIVM head: corona reproduction number rises to 2.17 | Inland

RIVM head: corona reproduction number rises to 2.17 | Inland

This concerns the figure of all variants together, says head Aura Timen of the Center for National Coordination of Infectious Disease Control of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in a presentation to the House of Representatives. The reproduction number of the Delta variant (formerly the Indian variant) is 2.52.

A reproduction number of 2.17 means that a group of 100 infected people infects an average of 217 others, who in turn transmit the virus to 471 others. The number of infections then increases faster and faster.

RIVM expects a possible increase in hospital admissions and IC admissions. But that increase can be slowed down if risky contacts of young adults with other age groups (vulnerable people) are limited as much as possible. Due to the high vaccination coverage among older age groups, this does not necessarily lead to an overload of care, RIVM expects.

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