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River quality, an application that provides information on the state of waterways, particularly in Nièvre

Thanks to the updated data from the water agencies in the Loire-Bretagne sector available on an application, it is possible to know the quality of the water in the rivers.

The summer holidays are here and with them, the desire for nature and swimming in the river!

The water agencies of the Loire-Bretagne sector have updated their data on the quality of water in France’s rivers, available onOn an application, “River quality”. It is available for free on Android, iPhone, iPad, tablet and PC.

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The “River Quality” application makes it easy to identify the state of waterways. By entering a postal code or the name of the municipality, an interactive map displays the quality of the selected river.

Also for fishermen

A color code allows you to know the ecological state of the waterways: very good state in blue, good state in green, average state in yellow, poor state in orange and poor state in red.

For fishermen, it is also possible to find out which fish live in each river, thanks to the “fish” icon.

Finally, a “bather” icon is displayed at each authorized bathing site with data on the sanitary quality of the water which comes from the Ministry of Health and is available in real time on the application.

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