Rita Dalla Chiesa meet her daughter Giulia – newsby
The beloved TV presenter and Italian politician, Rita Dalla Chiesa, has a beautiful daughter Giulia, who is her photocopy, but we rarely see her.
Away from the spotlight the daughter of the former face of Forum, she is 52 years old and is also a mother. Unfortunately her life was marked from great pain, which she managed to overcome thanks to the love of her loved ones, such as her son and her famous mother.

With behind a curriculum full of successes and satisfactions, Rita Dalla Chiesa is one of the most beloved characters in the world of entertainment. For so many years she has been at the helm of Forum and even if she hasn’t been present on the small screen for some time, the presenter receives the affection and warmth of her audience every day through social networks.
His Instagram account has assets over 250 thousand followers and right here from time to time she shares photos and posts that show her together with her only daughter, Giulia.
Who is Rita Dalla Chiesa’s daughter: the beautiful relationship between the two women
Giulia, the daughter of Rita Dalla Chiesa lives a life away from the spotlight and is truly sensational the resemblance he has to his mother. The love life of the former Mediaset presenter was characterized by two great loves: the first with Giulia’s father, the Carabinieri officer Roberto Cirese and the second, famous on the gossip pages, with the colleague Fabrizio Frizzi duration 10 years.
The fruit of Rita Dalla Chiesa’s first marriage is not well known to the general public, even though she has worked on television, behind the scenes in many television programs. Born in 1971 Giulia Cirese has a beautiful relationship with her mother Rita and not only because they are practically two drops of water, but also because they support each other.

Another peculiarity of Giulia Cirese is her extreme shyness. She is passionate about singing, she also recorded a record some time ago, but precisely because of her introversion, she failed to reach the general public.
The arrival of Lorenzo
Today the woman works in the radio and in the past, while following in her mother’s footsteps, she preferred to be behind the scenes of television programs, as a secretary and text consultant. Just behind the scenes of One morningCirese knows the author of the broadcast, Massimo Santoro. Rita Dalla Chiesa’s daughter in one of her rare interviews she said that when love appeared between her and Santorohe decided, out of embarrassment towards his colleagues, to leave work, pIt was appropriate for her to act this way. From the marriage with the television author, Lawrence was bornthe only nephew of the presenter who loves madly.
The great pain
Unfortunately Giulia Cirese, like her mother, had to experience immense pain, i.e. the loss of a loved one. In fact, in 2017 her husband disappeared due to an illness: “I saw them fight together and I was close to my nephew Lorenzo during his father’s illness”. Dalla Chiesa said in an interview.
As with mom Rita, even with Giulia fate, in terms of love, was not kind. “Hi Massimo. Lollo’s dad. Julia’s husband. Choose a star, among those you will meet on your journey, and light it up with many lights. So my star hunter can recognize her and he’ll know you’re sitting there. Her wonderful dad.” These were the touching words, which Rita Della Chiesa he used to bid his last farewell to his son-in-law.