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risks, what to do in children?

Ophthalmologists warn of the increase in serious eye injuries, such as burns, in children because of the distributors of hydro-alcoholic solutions (pedal), which are multiplying in stores to fight against the coronavirus. What to do when it happens What risks and precautions? Interview with Dr Gilles Martin, ophthalmologist.

Ophthalmologists from the Rothschild Foundation Hospital in Paris warn about theincreased serious eye damage, type burns, caused by hydro-alcoholic solutions, in young children (between 2 and 4 years). They recorded six cases between July 14 and July 24. Mainly involved: pedal distributors which have multiplied in stores because of the epidemic of coronavirus and whose gel projection is done just at children’s face height. What to do when it happens What are the risks ? What precautions? Interview with Dr Gilles Martin, ophthalmologist at the Rothschild Foundation Hospital.

The danger of hydro-alcoholic solutions for the eyes lies in their alcohol content. “The gels contain 60 to 80% alcohol or alcohol is toxic to the epithelial cells on the surface of the eye, explains Dr Gilles Martin. This creates an ulcer thus a loss of the surface layer of the cells. If this surface remains without its epidermis for too long, there is a risk of infection as it is on the skin in the event of a wound. A delay in healing is then observed. Normally, the child heals quickly in 48 to 72 hours but here it is observed during the checks that the healing is not complete. Some stayed with a ulcer several days and for two of them out of the six cases we had, they must have had a surgery to put on a biological bandage at eye level. ”

Pedal-operated hydro-alcoholic solution dispenser. © Sirawit Hengthabthim-123RF

Rinse thoroughly with water, at least 30 minutes although it is not easy with very young children, it is important. You can also use physiological serum if you have it ” answers the ophthalmologist. Then go to consult without delay.

As soon as a child receives hydro-alcoholic gel in the eye, he must be seen by an ophthalmologist. Even if a few hours after the screening, it no longer hurts. Because as Dr Martin explains to us, the alcohol contained in the hydroalcoholic solution gradually has an anesthetic effect on the cornea of ​​the eye. The pain is less but the damage is there. The faster the child is taken care of, the better the healing will be. Same advice in adults (even if the cases are much rarer), it is necessary to consult.

The projection of hydro-alcoholic solution in the eye hurts. The child complains of the pain preventing him from opening his eyes.

To avoid the accident, Dr. Martin advises parents to take the hydro-alcoholic solution themselves and apply it to their children’s hands: “Children like to press on the pedals of the dispensers, that’s why accidents increase, parents better do it for them.” Another recommendation from the ophthalmologist: affix stickers on the dispensers to warn parents about the risk of projection in their children’s eyes.

Thanks to Dr Gilles Martin, ophthalmologist at the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital in Paris.

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