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Risks of Illegal Loan Services (Pinjol) in Jakarta: Impact of Failure to Pay and How to Handle Debt Collectors


Online loan services (pinjol) which are increasingly popular can be a solution for people who need money quickly. Currently, there are many legal loans registered with the OJK, but there are also many illegal loans still roaming around.

Before borrowing money from a loan, the borrower must know their needs and ability to repay. If not, the borrower may have bills that exceed their ability to pay back. This can lead to failure to pay loan bills.

If the borrower fails to pay on an illegal loan, the borrower can be affected by the negative impacts of using the illegal loan. So, what happens if you fail to pay at an illegal loan?

Reporting from the Indonesian Joint Funding Fintech Association (AFPI) website, Wednesday (8/11/2023), the following are the impacts of arrears on bills from illegal loans:

Intimidation of Debt Collectors

There are strict procedures to deal with the problem of non-payment of non-paying users. If the borrower uses legal pinjol, then debt collection will be directly supervised by AFPI. However, when the borrower uses illegal pinjol, there is a possibility that the borrower will be terrorized by the debt collector.

Usually, borrowers are given a warning via short message or telephone by a debt collector. If the borrower does not pay, then inevitably the debt collector will come to the borrower’s house and contact the closest person or emergency number.

Illegal loan debt collectors usually charge borrowers in an aggressive and often threatening manner. The goal is for the borrower to feel pressured and pay immediately.

Threatened by Dissemination of Personal Information

Apart from carrying out terror, the personal data of illegal loan borrowers could be misused. Illegal loans use personal data to threaten borrowers. There are quite a few cases where borrowers are embarrassed by debt collectors because of disgrace or slander spread to their colleagues and family.

Therefore, borrowers must be careful when using loan services. In the official provisions for legal funding fintech, the OJK only grants access to cameras, microphones and locations. This is done to limit the use of personal data and efforts to avoid violations.

What should you do if you are caught in illegal loan debt?

Loan Restructuring

Borrowers can restructure their loans if they have difficulty paying off their debts. Borrowers can get relief in the form of an extended term, installment discounts, or credit discounts in one payment. That way, borrowers can adjust their ability to pay debts.

Negotiate Reductions in Interest and Fines

Borrowers can negotiate with the leasing party to reduce the amount of interest and penalties. The reduced interest rate can make it easier for borrowers to pay off their bills.

Report to the Authorities or Related Agencies

If the illegal loan debt collector’s collection is very disturbing and disturbing to the borrower, then the borrower can report it to the police to take legal action.

Therefore, before borrowing money from Pinjol, borrowers must make a thorough plan and payment scheme before deciding to borrow funds from Pinjol. Make sure you borrow money according to your needs and ability to repay.


2023-11-08 01:24:02
#Watch #fail #pay #illegal #loan

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