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“Risks Facing Latvian Companies: How to Avoid Liquidation and Protect Your Business”

Thousands of Latvian companies are currently showing signs of a possible risk to their further operation, and the number of companies liquidated every year is impressive, according to “Lursoft” aggregated data.

Currently, there are approximately 180 thousand active companies in Latvia, of which almost three quarters or 130 thousand are limited liability companies (SIA). A little more than one third of the active companies were founded 5 years ago or less.

The latest collected data of “Lursoft” show that the average age of a company at the time of liquidation is eight years, but a large number of companies are liquidated within 3-6 years after their establishment.

Therefore, in order not to end up in a situation where one day it is possible to contact the company, but the next day it is already closed, it is necessary to monitor its activity and, when signs indicating a risk appear, caution should be exercised.

What signs show whether the particular company is risky, in which sectors there is the highest proportion of liquidated companies, as well as whether and how other companies or potential customers can avoid the possibility of “getting caught” in cooperation with such a company, summarized “Delfi Bizness”.

2023-05-16 04:00:03
#board #liquidated #owners #tax #debts #thousands #Latvian #companies #risky

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