The number of STIs in the Netherlands is increasing and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is concerned. In the coming weeks, the RIVM and GGDs will therefore be handing out more than 40,000 condoms at festivals and during introduction weeks of study programmes, with the message: give love, not an STI. In 2022, young people in particular had more STIs.
STDs are more often underestimated these days, thinks RIVM doctor Rosa Joosten. “People may think they are not really at risk,” says Joosten. “One pill and it’s done. But this is not always possible. And if you go on with it for too long, it can have a huge impact on your future, for example if it is more difficult for you to get pregnant.”
The number of gonorrhea cases has certainly increased in the past year, just like in neighboring countries. The increase is particularly large among heterosexual youth. When men have gonorrhea, they sometimes experience painful urination, or mucus or pus coming out of the penis. It is possible that women do not notice anything. The STI can cause inflammation.
The increase is worrying Joosten. “In the Netherlands, all cases of gonorrhea can so far be treated with antibiotics. In England there are a few cases where antibiotics did not work. When that happens, you really have your back against the wall.” She points out that the more often gonorrhea occurs, the greater the chance that we will also get a variant in which antibiotics do not work.
“That is why we really advocate the prevention of STIs at RIVM,” emphasizes Joosten. “If you can protect yourself, do so.” That means: put on a condom. And if that goes wrong, get tested and inform your bed partners about the outcome, says Joosten.
The youth target group is socially very active, says Joosten. And condom use among this group has been low for years. “For example, four out of ten young people never use a condom during a one-night stand.” Young people may see many barriers to using a condom, the doctor thinks. “Practically speaking, they should have one with them and they should discuss it. In addition, it can be taboo and it can be difficult to indicate your limit.”
RIVM therefore believes that young people should be better informed. Soa Aids Nederland has been arguing for a long time for a return of the Vrij Veilig campaigns, which were discontinued more than ten years ago. Joost also hopes that there will be more attention and funding for information about safe sex. “A behavioral change in condom use is really necessary.”
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2023-08-12 07:57:50
#RIVM #GGDs #handing #condoms #increasing #number #STIs