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Rising International Oil Prices Cause Increase in Gasoline and Diesel Prices in Korea

[한라일보] As international oil prices rose, domestic gasoline and diesel prices, which had been on a downward trend for more than 10 weeks, turned upward, while oil prices in Jeju also turned upward.

According to Opinet, Korea National Oil Corporation’s oil price information system on the 16th, the average selling price of gasoline at gas stations in the province in the second week of July (11th to 14th) was 1610.9 won per liter, up 5.4 won from the previous week. On a weekly basis, the price of gasoline in the province, which had fallen for 10 consecutive weeks until last week, rose again in 11 weeks.

The price of gasoline in the province was 38.7 won higher than the national average price (1572.2 won), up 3.0 won from the previous week, and it was the second most expensive in Seoul (1650.4 won), the most expensive region in the country.

The price of diesel in the province also rose by 5.7 won to 1,412.8 won per liter, falling for 11 consecutive weeks until last week and then rising in 12 weeks. The price of diesel in the province was also 30.8 won higher than the national average price (1382.0 won), up 2.9 won from the previous week, and the most expensive in the country, Seoul (1499.6 won).

Gasoline and diesel prices have risen again because international oil prices are rising.

The average price of Dubai oil, which is the standard for imported crude oil prices, recorded $79.5 per barrel, up $3.3 from the previous week. Dubai oil has been on the rise since May ($75.0).

The international gasoline average price rose by 4.7 dollars to 90.1 dollars, and the international automobile diesel price rose by 5.3 dollars to 99.4 dollars. Since fluctuations in international oil prices are usually reflected in domestic products with a time lag of about two weeks, the industry predicts that domestic sales prices will continue to rise in the future amid the recent rise in oil prices.

As international oil prices rise and are expected to affect domestic oil prices again, attention is focused on whether to extend the oil tax cut that ends at the end of next month.

The government temporarily implemented the oil tax cut measures from November 2021, when the burden of ordinary people on fuel costs increased due to the surge in international oil prices, and extended it four times, and is scheduled to end at the end of August.

In the meantime, for gasoline, the oil tax has been operated by adjusting the extent of the reduction from 20% → 30% → 37% → 25% according to the flow of international oil prices. On the other hand, for diesel and LPG butane, the existing oil tax cut of 37% is continuing.

Regarding whether to extend the oil tax cut, the government plans to review the flow of oil prices and the burden on the public, and make a decision in time for the future expiration. However, there is also a prospect that the government, which is suffering from a lack of tax revenue, will not extend the oil tax cut further. Reasons for this include the fact that taxes (transportation, energy, and environment taxes) reduced by the oil tax cut last year amounted to 5.5 trillion won, the trend of slowing inflation, and the decline in international oil prices.

The average selling price of gasoline and diesel in the province, which once rose to 2,200 won in June of last year, has been on a downward trend for a year due to the stabilization of international oil prices and the extension of the oil tax cut, and as of the 16th (as of 4:00 pm), the average selling price of gasoline and diesel is 1615.0 won and 1417.4 won, respectively. done.

2023-07-16 08:01:00
#10th #week #decline #Jeju #oil #price #turned #rise

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