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Rising incidences in Baden-Württemberg: Kretschmann announces stricter corona requirements – Baden-Württemberg

From red / dpa March 19, 2021 – 2:22 p.m.

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Winfried Kretschmann after his corona vaccination


Baden-Württemberg has to tighten its belt again. This was announced by Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann on Friday. He also addressed the subject of schools – and the high levels of infection there.

From red / dpa

March 19, 2021 – 2:22 pm

Stuttgart – Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) has announced a tightening of the corona requirements due to the increasing number of infections. “You have to expect that things will be taken back and tightened,” said the Green politician on Friday in Stuttgart. In view of the many infections in daycare centers and schools, it could also be “that we have to change something,” Kretschmann explained before the federal-state meeting on corona policy on Monday.

The head of government also assumes that urban and rural districts will not be able to make their own decisions about openings depending on the incidence. In addition, the residents of hotspot regions would have to expect tough measures such as exit restrictions. It now depends a lot on how quickly you can vaccinate more and test significantly more “in order to be able to open it with less risk”.

The state government announced on Thursday that there would be no further easing for the time being. The opening step planned for March 22nd at the earliest has been postponed. Additional openings were originally intended for circles with an incidence below 50 or between 50 and 100. The schools have also already been improved. In primary schools, masks are compulsory, and in the fifth and sixth grades, after returning to the school buildings last Monday, alternating lessons can now also be offered.

Also read: Kretschmann is vaccinated as the first Prime Minister

Kretschmann was the first German head of government to be vaccinated against the corona virus on Friday. The 72-year-old had the newly approved Astrazeneca vaccine injected at a vaccination center in Stuttgart. However, he let his wife Gerlinde go first. At the age of 72, Kretschmann is authorized to vaccinate.

The Green Prime Minister wanted his vaccination to be understood as advertising: “The sign should be: Have confidence, get vaccinated.” Astrazeneca is a safe and effective vaccine, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has confirmed after the temporary stop.

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