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Rising Global Temperatures Lead to Glacial Lake Flooding in Alaska


In Alaska, glacial lakes overflowed, causing homes to collapse and residents to evacuate.

As global temperatures continue to rise, warnings follow that this will become more frequent.

This is reporter Park Seok-ho.


A two-story house built next to a river collapses in an instant and is washed away by the river.

As the ground is eroded by the strong current of the river, the building next to the collapsed house is also at risk.

Large trees standing by the water also fall helplessly.

On the 5th local time, an ice bank collapsed on an upper glacial lake in Juneau, Alaska, USA.

Water from glacial lakes rushed down and flooded rivers, washing away buildings.

People inside the building were evacuated in advance.

[아론 제이콥스/알래스카 주노 하천관리국 : “한정된 시간에 이런 홍수가 날 확률은 0.2에서 1퍼센트에 불과합니다. 정말 드문 일입니다.”]

The water level in Lake Mendenhall, which was downstream, was 91 centimeters higher than the highest level recorded in 2016, and evacuation orders were issued for low-lying areas.

Roads were also flooded.

As you go upstream, melted glacial water continuously flows into the river.

Since 2007, glaciers the size of eight football fields have melted and disappeared in this area alone.

In 2011, where there was a glacier, dry land is exposed and even grass grows, so the residents are worried.

[케리/알래스카 주노 주민 : “(관광객) 대부분이 빙하 보러오는데, 빙하가 사라지면 사람들이 이곳에 끌릴지 모르겠어요.”]

It is even predicted that by 2050 there will be no more glaciers left in Alaska’s Mendenhall Valley.

Due to climate change, alpine glaciers are melting rapidly.

Meteorologists estimate that 15 million people worldwide are at risk of flooding from glacial lake collapse.

This is Park Seok-ho from KBS News.

Video Editing: Cheol Kim / Data Research: Eun Ji Lee

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#Glacier #collapse #due #global #warming.. #Alaska #Lowland #Flood #Evacuation #Order
2023-08-07 12:29:00

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