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Rise of Ukrainian Political Assassinations: Russian Intelligence Fears More Liquidations

LIQUIDATED: Ukrainian intelligence has accepted responsibility for the murder of Ilya Kiva (TV). According to Ukrainian media, they are also behind the car bomb that killed Oleg Popov (right) last week. Photo: Ilja Kiva’s Instagram and AFP

The Russians were hit last week by two murders of Ukrainian politicians who have switched to the Russian side. Now they fear more liquidations under the auspices of Ukrainian intelligence.


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Now one of Russia’s best-known war correspondents, Aleksandr Kots, warns that more such liquidations may be underway. The two murders are being investigated by Russian police, but Ukrainian intelligence has announced that it will hunt down traitors and has already claimed responsibility for Kiva’s murder. According to Ukrinform they also take responsibility for Popov’s death. Ukraine’s military intelligence has previously said that they were behind the murder of Filiponenko.

– Their agent network is large and only getting larger, Kots says of the Ukrainian intelligence service. It happens in an interview on Solovjov Live – one of the most famous propaganda shows on Russian TV.

– Most of those arrested for previous terrorist attacks are Russian citizens. They are infiltrating our society all over our territory. There are no safe places anymore, at least not in the European part of Russia. Something must be done about this, says Kots.

WAR CORRESPONDENT: Aleksandr Kots. Photo: Alexander Astafyev / AP / NTB

– I think there will be more such terrorist actions, after Ukraine is unable to distinguish itself at the front in the war, says the well-known war correspondent.

On X writes the same Kots:

– Kyiv continues with its masterclass in eliminating traitors.

– We can confirm that Kiva is finished. The same fate will befall all traitors to Ukraine as well as henchmen of Putin’s regime, says an intelligence spokesman, Andriy Jusov said on national television.

Ilya Kiva first worked in the Ukrainian police, then became a politician in the far-right Ukrainian party Right Sector – before he switched sides and started supporting the Russians and fled to Russia.

– The fact that the murder took place on Russian territory shows a serious failure in the Russian intelligence service – whether it was Ukraine’s intelligence that was behind it, writes the well-known Russian military blogger Boris Rozjin Telegram.


Published: 11.12.23 at 01:21

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2023-12-11 00:21:38
#Russians #fear #liquidations #safe #places #anymore

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