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Rise of HIV/AIDS Cases in Berau: Call for Intensified Raids

4 September 2023   21:05 |

Updated: September 4, 2023 21:08

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Illustration (Source: pbs.org)

“HIV AIDS Rise Drastically in Berau, Ask Raids to be intensified. Syarifatul Miris with Increasing HIV Cases.” This is the headline on berau.prokal.co (30/8-2023).

The news stated: The increase in cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Berau Regency is of particular concern to Deputy Chairman I of the Berau Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD), (Kaltim-pen.), Syarifatul Syadiah.

It is not clear what is called ‘increasing HIV cases’ whether the cumulative number of HIV/AIDS cases or new HIV/AIDS cases.

If what is meant is an increase in the cumulative number, then that is a natural thing because the system for reporting HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia is carried out cumulatively. This means that old cases are added to new cases and death cases are not excluded so that the number will continue to grow.

So, if what is meant by an increase is the number of new cases, for example, per day, per week or per month, then it should also be noted that the new cases detected per day, per week or per month do not reflect actual HIV/AIDS cases in the community. .

photo-info">Geographical location of Berau Regency in East Kalimantan (Source: docplayer.info)

FirstIn Berau District, there is no system for detecting HIV/AIDS cases in the community that is comprehensive, which does not violate the law and does not violate human rights (HAM), so only cases detected are those seeking treatment for other diseases or pregnant women undergoing HIV testing.

Secondkeep in mind that the number of reported cases does not reflect the actual AIDS cases in the community because the HIV/AIDS epidemic is closely related to the iceberg phenomenon.

HIV/AIDS cases that are reported or detected are described as the tip of the iceberg that appears above sea level, while HIV/AIDS cases that are not detected in the community are described as icebergs below sea level (see matrix).

photo-info">Matrix: The Iceberg Phenomenon in the HV/AIDS epidemic. (Photo: Personal Doc/AIDS Watch Indonesia/Syaiful W. Harahap)

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2023-09-04 14:05:13
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