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Rise in International Oil Prices and its Impact on Domestic Fuel Prices and Trade Balance


Due to the rise in international oil prices, domestic gasoline and diesel sales prices have risen for the 10th week.

There are growing concerns that oil price variables could be a negative factor for prices and trade balance, which were stabilizing.

Reporter Park Hong-gu reports.


Gasoline and diesel prices at gas stations across the country have risen for the 10th week.

From the 10th to the 14th, the average selling price of gasoline at gas stations nationwide recorded 1,759.6 won, up 9.6 won from the previous week.

The selling price of diesel rose by 14.7 won to 1,655.3 won.

International oil prices rose due to expectations that crude oil supply would be disrupted, and this was reflected in domestic oil prices.

This week, the decline in oil exports due to the deluge in Libya and the announcement of additional U.S. sanctions against Russia were added.

All three major indicators of international oil prices have reached their highest levels of the year and are approaching $100 per barrel.

In particular, the price of Dubai oil, which is mainly imported into Korea, rose from $80 in July to $86 in August, and stood at $96 as of September 15.

Accordingly, the year-on-year decline in crude oil imports was only -10% from the 1st to the 10th of this month, from -46% in July and -40% in August.

As the decline in crude oil, which accounts for a large portion of imports, slows, the trade balance, which has been in surplus for three consecutive months, is expected to take a hit.

Consumer prices are also bound to be affected.

The inflation rate increased from 2.3% in July to 3.4% in August. The government says it is a temporary phenomenon, but if the upward trend in oil prices continues, the outlook after September cannot be optimistic.

[석병훈 / 이화여대 경제학과 교수 : 석유류 가격이 상승하게 되면 사실상 전기요금이나 가스요금, 이런 공공요금이 상승하게 되고요. 이것이 서비스 산업에서 생산비용을 올려서 서비스 가격 역시 상승하게 되면 (소비자물가 지수가 오르게 됩니다)]

Experts have predicted that if China’s economic slowdown continues in addition to the rise in international oil prices, our economy will continue to face difficulties in the remainder of the second half of the year.

It does not seem easy to achieve a quick economic rebound according to the government’s favorable outlook.

This is Park Hong-gu of YTN.

Video editing: Lee Eun-kyung
Graphics: Jinho Kim

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2023-09-16 09:25:00
#Domestic #oil #prices #risen #weeks.. #Concerns #bad #news #prices #trade #balance

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