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Riots get aftermath

After violent clashes between young people and police officers on the national holiday, investigations are being conducted on two levels.

Outbreak of violence on the national holiday


After violent clashes between young people and police officers on the national holiday, investigations are being conducted on two levels.

The riots on the eve of the national holiday in the capital have an aftermath. According to LW information, and as already reported by Radio 100.7 on Monday, investigations were initiated against possible perpetrators because of resistance to state violence. On the other hand, the Inspection générale de la police checks whether there has been any misconduct on the part of the police.

The background to these investigations are severe facial injuries in a young man. According to unconfirmed information, he sustained multiple facial fractures and injuries to one eye.

An injured man on the ground

The “Luxemburger Wort” has six videos that are currently being distributed on social media showing individual scenes from Wednesday night in the old town. On one of the cell phone videos, which have since been copied many times and are therefore of poor quality, you can see police officers driving a crowd apart. In the 15-second clip, a policeman stands out who repeatedly hits people with a baton. The blows are clearly aimed at the upper arms of passers-by.

In another twelve-second clip, a man lies on the floor at the level of the fish market. His face is visibly smeared with blood. He lies on his back, wears a black jacket, a gray T-shirt with white writing and jeans. Several policemen stand behind him, tense. The scene is filmed up close. The video is labeled “Ça vas pas se passer comme ça”.

Difficult arrest

Two other videos, one of which is a cut, show the arrest of a young man in light blue trousers and a white tank top T-shirt right behind the grand ducal palace. The man defends himself violently. Several officers are needed to overpower the man. This video is distributed in particular on the social networks Snapchat and Tiktok together with information that may not apply at first glance.

Car control before the carnival season - Photo: Pierre Matgé

On the eve of the national holiday, there were some brawls in Luxembourg City – one with the police.

It is sometimes said that the man who is overwhelmed here is the later seriously injured victim. It is also said that these pictures show a policeman kicking the person lying on the floor in the head. But although the photos are very blurred, there are no steps to be seen and the man’s clothes do not match those of the bleeding victim in the other photos. A brief flickering light, which is shown in messages as an electric taser, apparently comes from a police officer’s flashlight.

Other people filming the police officers can be seen in several sequences. It can therefore be assumed that there are other pictures that document the actions of the officers. Corresponding images are not yet available. There are also at least two high definition video surveillance cameras at the rear of the grand ducal palace. You could be instrumental in solving the incidents of National Day.

Photo of a single police officer is circulated

The photo of a single policeman who is marked with a green arrow is now also circulating on Snapchat. The image is shared both with threats against the officer, such as “salle fdp tu vas regretter”, and with calls for the officer to be identified. In the embassies he is held responsible for the condition of the seriously injured man.

However, according to the information available, the circumstances of how the injuries came about have not yet been clarified. However, a forensic medical report should definitely clarify whether the injuries came from a blow with a baton, a fall or a bottle throw.

Because in fact – and this can also be seen in part on the video images – thrown bottles against police officers are said to have contributed significantly to the escalation.

Always a group

As can be learned from police circles, a group of heavily drunk young people had already been noticed twice before the riots. These people had insulted the police officers, harassed, threatened and pushed individual officers.

When there was a third confrontation, it was decided to establish the personal details of individual people in the group. Attempting these identity checks immediately led to severe fistfights and beatings, in which a total of three officers were injured. In addition, more and more people interfered who circled the police officers and harassed them. After throwing bottles, the baton was then used.

It is clear that the video recordings from the night that circulate on the Internet only show a few moments. The representation of the parties involved only convey their own point of view and the clarification of the situation will certainly take time. According to the press office of the judiciary, this is also what is currently happening: an investigation is being carried out into what actually happened that night and who did what. The police deal with investigations into the attacks on police officers, the Inspection générale de la police with the actions of the police.

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On the eve of the national holiday, there were some brawls in Luxembourg City – one with the police.

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