Home » today » Business » Rioters in court: Stuttgart night of riot: prison sentence for 18-year-olds – hot spots

Rioters in court: Stuttgart night of riot: prison sentence for 18-year-olds – hot spots

On the other hand, court spokeswoman Monika Rudolph emphasized that the verdict was by no means an example. In the afternoon, another trial is to begin in Stuttgart because of the night of the riot. The district court expects up to 100 trials in total.

During the nightly clashes in June, dozens of mainly young men rioted in downtown Stuttgart. Numerous officers were injured and shop windows were destroyed. The incidents made headlines and heated debates far beyond Stuttgart. So far, around 100 suspects have been identified who are said to have been involved in the riots that night. The crime of the now accused 18-year-old can also be clearly seen on cell phone videos.

The young man testified in the process that he let himself be carried away by the heated, roaring crowd on the June night. “I haven’t even thought it through.” It was only days after the riots that the trainee was recognized by a plainclothes policeman in the middle of the night in downtown Stuttgart.

The German police union welcomed the prison sentence. “This judgment is a clear and unmistakable signal and will contribute to deterrence,” said state chairman Ralf Kusterer of the German press agency. “Anyone who commits criminal offenses has to feel the harshness of the law.” For this purpose, the penalty framework is exhausted. The amount of the penalty is essential to avoid violence and crime, said Kusterer.

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