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Riot in the Plenum: MK Kasif said “war crimes have reached healing” -…

A commotion occurred today (Wednesday) during a discussion in the Knesset plenary. Member of Knesset Ofer Kassif called the IDF’s activities at the hospital “war crimes”, and claimed that now with the withdrawal of the troops, “horror stories” are being revealed. The Knesset members were outraged by the statements, and demanded that Kassif be removed from the hall. Knesset Deputy Speaker Hanoch Malbitsky ordered the Knesset security guards To take MK Kasif off the stand, he was taken out by force and returned only after a few minutes.

“Before the invasion of the hospital, thousands of displaced Palestinians and refugees who were seeking shelter from the terror of the war were found in the shelter,” MK Kasif said on the podium. Now with the departure of the military forces from the hospital, the hard evidence is also coming out. The stories of the horror and horror of the survivors trapped inside.” Following these words, a confrontation began.

Members of Knesset, including coalition chairman Ofir Katz and also Tali Gottlieb, Almog Cohen and Moshe Saada, stood in the plenum and called him “go” and “shame”. Kasif demanded of the plenum chairman “shut them up”. The members of the Knesset continued, and the head of the coalition, Ofir Katz, shouted: “He will not talk to the soldiers like that.” After long seconds of commotion, MK Kasif was taken down from the podium and removed from the plenary by force. Only after minutes when the plenary calmed down was he brought back – and returned to read his speech on the podium.

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