Home » today » Entertainment » Rinke Rooyens sad about MOM’s death: “That day she called me and I did not answer because I WORKED”

Rinke Rooyens sad about MOM’s death: “That day she called me and I did not answer because I WORKED”

Rinke Rooyens is associated not only with being the producer of such programs as: “Top Model”, “The Voice of Poland” or “Dance, dance, dance”, but also thanks to relationships with famous women. More than a decade ago, he was married Kayahwith whom he had a son Rochain the years 2010-2015 he met with Malwina Wędzikowskaand currently lives by the side Joanna Przetakiewiczwhom he married two years ago.

See also: Przetakiewicz shows his bare ankles and leaves with Rinke in a car for over 1.5 million

Though Rooyensowi it happens on the occasion of larger events to publicly praise his wife or adult sonis not the type of an instagrammer who shows the everyday life on the web.

Recently, however, he gave a candid interview in which he opened up on the topic childhood and relationship with parents. An interview with the magazine “Viva!” the producer started by explaining why he had so much empathy.

(…) I prefer to give, help, support. I have been like that since I was a child. As a little boy, I used to make breakfast for my mother, for my father – boiled eggs for three minutes, sandwiches. I would bring them to bed or set the table – he recalls, stating bitterly: I grew up very quickly and I think I lost my childhood a bit.

Then he explains what influenced the early adulthood:

My parents divorced when I was six. My mother was an actress famous in the Netherlands, she played a lot, there were always some babysitters at home. I think it wasn’t easy for her to raise me and my little sister. I remember when I was nine I told my mother that I would take care of Roene myself and she could rely on me – he explains, explaining what everyday life was like with the actress’s mother:

She slept in the morning because she was late coming home from the theater, and I was walking my sister to school. In the afternoon I picked her up because my mother was back in the theater, I warmed up the food, made sure that everything ran smoothly at home – he reveals, going to his dad:

We seldom saw my father. He was a famous director, he was still working. I was afraid of him because he was a demanding, charismatic guy. I often lied to him out of fear.

Later in the interview, Rinke returns to the topic of parentage again, revealing that struggled with depression and an alcohol problemwhich ended tragically for her. The producer’s mother took her own life when he was 18 years oldas already mentioned in in an interview in 2015. Rooyens further revealed that he felt guilty about her death for years.

After my mother’s suicide, I had such strong remorse and so much resentment that I couldn’t deal with it for a long time. My mom committed suicide when I was 18. It was her third attempt, but before that, I was always on time – he confesses. That day she called me a couple of times, and I didn’t answer because … I was working. I had my life, I was tired of her constant mental ill health and overwhelming responsibility. Perhaps if I had met her then, she wouldn’t have done it … – he wonders sadly.

The husband of a famous designer admits that moving to Poland helped him recover. After a few years, however, he had to face his internal dilemmas again. This time because of ending the relationship with your child’s mother.

History has come full circle. It was a failure for me. I was afraid for Roch. I perfectly remembered what an experience it was for a child. (…) I remember when Roszek and I went to the swimming pool and he suddenly started to cry because he did not understand why dad and mom like each other and are not together – comes back to divorce.

The producer is glad, however, that not only have they managed to maintain friendly relations with Kayah for the sake of their son, but also that Przetakiewicz has appeared on his way.

I started a project about the homeless and I met Asia, the most beautiful gift I could get. (…) Only now, having what I created with Asia, I care about life a lot and I want to live a long time – sums up the 52-year-old in love.

Do you appreciate such honest star interviews?

See also: What do Wieniawa and Monika Olejnik have to do with the breakup of Jessica Mercedes about penises in “Euphoria”

Cool guy from him. He’s been through a lot …

Sad story with my mother 🙁

He carries a terrible burden

This is one of the saddest statements I have read. He had a sad childhood and youth

I didn’t know … sorry

Latest comments (41)

52 years old and he hasn’t worked through his childhood trauma yet. Let us take care and love our children.

He always gave the impression of an okay guest. Only good words about other people come out of it

How can you not answer your mother’s phone?

Mom called and he didn’t pick up? I’d drop everything, but my mom’s call and the sink?

Super empathetic guy and soon a new series on the edge

Some people shouldn’t have children, and I’m not talking about him, but about his mother.

I was on a plane with Mr. Rooyens once. He sat several seats behind me in economy class. I thought that I predicted myself, because why not first class? It’s nice that he stayed with himself.

People need to pacify this psycho. If the Russians themselves do not kill him quickly, this man, plunged and lonely, with an outburst of anger, will release all the brakes and reflect emotions on the whole world. I will not regret anything because he is already nobody. As a Polish woman, she would write: we have taken him out of history. He was nobody, he is nobody and he will remain nobody, and we have erased his name in the history of society and we will forget the end. He will not be the second Stalin or Hitler. He would be gone from this earth as quickly as his name and no nondescript form. Ukraine, as Poland was and will be a free country, this is the history and Russia will divide itself into a billion countries, when he will no longer be there and his people, his friends will not remember his name in a year’s time. Nobody just nobody. Don’t call him by his name. Simply say the murderer, let his name disappear from the media, let him know the message of the world that he is an impersonal, sick entity that needs to be eliminated. Do not give satisfaction, do not give a sentence in the pages of history.

He became a parent to his parents … how do I know it …

Well, it’s a pity he didn’t answer a few calls from my mother, and it would be difficult for me to live with such a mental burden too.

he went through so much in his life and he behaved himself no better

And be surprised that he got drunk … To bear such a burden


31 min. ago

I am afraid of the number of Ukrainians who will come to Poland

He shouldn’t blame himself, but I know better to say, more to do. As if he picked up the phone this time would happen and then there would be another time. Depression is a terrible disease and often the whole family suffers, sometimes it is impossible to save such people. She herself suffers from depression and I know that I would not want anyone to feel guilty if I decided to kill myself.

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