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Ringworm in humans, can be treated with over-the-counter Miconazole ointment


Miconazole, one of the ringworm drugs in humans and treat with other natural ingredients.

GridHEALTH.id – Ringworm in humans is caused by a fungal infection tineawhose transmission can come from several sources, one of which is from pets such as cats and dogs.

Ringworm is another name for ringworma term that is more familiar to the general public, see the review below regarding how ringworm infections spread to humans and how to treat them.

This infection can be treated in several ways, one of which is to give drugs containing miconazole and some natural ingredients that can prevent this ringworm from spreading.

Ringworm in humans It causes red, scaly, itchy, ring-shaped rashes on a person’s skin or nails, usually starting to develop symptoms after 4-14 days of contact with the fungus. tinea this.

This ringworm infection can spread in many ways, both directly and indirectly, including through:

– Human to human (ringworm can be spread when a person comes into direct contact with the skin of another person who is suffering from ringworm)

– Animal to human (spread through pets is also common, when a pet suffers from ringworm infection, there is a high chance the owner contracted ringworm through direct contact with animals)

Some of the animals that can spread ringworm to humans are dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, horses, rabbits, and pigs.

– Inanimate objects to humans (ringworm can also spread from inanimate objects to humans through indirect contact of a person with inanimate objects that have been contaminated by ringworm-infected people, such as bedding, clothing, floors, to the hair of people infected with ringworm)

Also Read: Ringworm Skin Ringworm is Not Only Transmitted by Cats, Tight Clothing Can Be The Cause


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