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Rimouski hospital obtains reinforcement from France

Three nursing professionals from France have just joined the team at the Rimouski hospital center.

These employees were recruited through Recrutement Santé Québec, which is responsible for leading international health recruitment.

According to Tommy Bonesso, recruitment agent for the Bas-Saint-Laurent Integrated Health and Social Services Center, Recrutement Santé Québec acts as a placement agency for the various CISSSs in the province.


“They will be recruiting in France, Belgium or Africa and, at that point, they meet the candidates and do interviews with them and, once they are selected and they have passed the process of selection, at this point we take over, ”he said.

In addition to the three nurses who have just joined the team, five others will join the ranks of the CISSS Bas-Saint-Laurent by the end of 2022.

In addition, steps are already underway to recruit more nursing staff internationally, particularly in France, Belgium and Africa.

The new employees have signed a three-year contract with the CISSS du Bas-Saint-Laurent and are supervised by mentors during their first 75 days in the organization.

Better in Quebec

“We look at their knowledge, their processes and we try to convey to them, here in Quebec, how we work,” explains Anny Béland, head of critical care service for Bas-Saint-Laurent.

Camille Montil is one of those nurses who chose to settle in Rimouski. She chose Quebec because, according to her, the nursing profession is much more valued here than in France.

“Here, it is more efficient, the profession is more valued”, shared Mr.me Montil.

Irving Montorier also chose to move to Rimouski to practice his nursing profession. He was attracted to the great outdoors in the region. “The Bas-Saint-Laurent ticked all the boxes of what we wanted to do with nearby nature, outdoor activities and a city on a human scale, we did not want large urban centers,” explained the newcomer. .

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