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Rihanna: Generous donation to New York State

Generous donation to New York State

Rihanna is committed to the fight against the coronavirus.-

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The coronavirus is rampant in New York like nowhere else in the United States. Singer Rihanna donates not only money, but also protective equipment.

More and more celebrities are getting involved to support doctors and politicians in the fight against the coronavirus. Singer Rihanna (32, “Good Girl Gone Bad”) has already announced that she will donate $ 5 million to a nonprofit that supports caregivers and communities in particular. It has now been announced that the 32-year-old is also donating protective equipment for the US state of New York. New York recently reported well over 30,000 corona cases, more than 21,000 of them in New York City.

“Need all the help we can get”

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo (62), has the singer thanks on Twitter: “We really appreciate your help and that of many others who are involved,” he wrote. “New York is waging a war on this virus and we need all the help we can get,” said Cuomo. But the politician is certain that the citizens will make it through this crisis together, “with friendliness, strength and perseverance.”


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