Home » today » Sport » rigino a caz * o, the shocking phrases of Zanetti, Pioli obsessed with the ko with Naples and Spalletti’s activity in Jamaica

rigino a caz * o, the shocking phrases of Zanetti, Pioli obsessed with the ko with Naples and Spalletti’s activity in Jamaica

Napoli also exceeds Empoli and goes to +8 on Milan: Lozano and Zielinski scored. Another great performance by Osimhen, now with Udinese on Saturday at Maradona


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Zero to those of the rigino … rigino a ca ** o! Napoli wins 2-0, Osimhen is overwhelmed in the area by the naive and negligent Marin. In a normal world, Marin would be to blame. In Italy, it seems to be incredibly Victor’s fault for letting himself be overwhelmed. As Cardinal Voiello recalled in ‘The New Pope’ doubt is a weaponbecause it rests on the insecurities of the soul. It leaks certainties, steals conviction, scribbles on the speech you prepared on the paper. Doubt knows only one antidote: knowledge. Be wary of this stabbed truth for a few more copies / clicks.

One point of Milan in Cremona. Witnesses called to pass on ancient tales, as rhapsodies to the keepers of mythological stories, tell of a Pegs who would have analyzed the situation as follows: “Yes, but with Napoli they did not deserve defeat”. The Rossoneri coach slipped into a loop with no way out and ended up becoming a prisoner of the alibi he had repeatedly rescued. Taking refuge in an excuse is the shortest way to find yourself without an escape route. With their backs to the wall.

Two to take Parisi and lift him back, at minute 47 ‘the signal that it is an ideological manifesto. The full-back collapses to the ground, the intent is clear: to waste time. But, Dante would say “Wasting time, those who know more are sorry”. And Napoli knows the value of time well, they don’t want to waste it because they have only one goal in mind. It is a Copernican revolution compared to the always too soft and permissive team of the past. Active mode: Genny Savastano returned from Honduras where an American was staying.

Three points more sweaty than Fantozzi in the exam for the position of assistant mafia side corruptor. There were only pitfalls in this race, with Bergamo still weighing in the muscles and the bogey Empoli recalling ancient weaknesses. Yet, Napoli won it. That should already be enough, but there’s more: Napoli never believed they couldn’t win it. We have seen it, in the serenity of the gestures, in the ability to manage some inevitable weakness, that murmur of courage that tries to enter and you slam the door in his face. The attributes of this Naples are like Mario Brega’s Communist faith in A beautiful bag: exaggerated!

Four days to recharge, to do like Giotto before Boniface VIII: to close a perfect circle, drawn by hand. With Udinese the last bite of this season cut off in half, a new opportunity to reaffirm the Marquis Del Grillo-style concept that we are you and us… we understand each other. With the Friulians yet another test for body and mind, before a long pause for reflection that Napoli would like to face from a position of great privilege but with the aim of working to improve further. Confucius was never wrong: “Studying without reflecting is useless. Reflecting without studying is dangerous ”.

Five fingers, a hand that falls benevolently on the head of the companion. The ‘blessing’ of Osimhen (original penalty taker) in Lozano before the penalty is the no longer secret ingredient of Napoli’s +8 in the standings: one for the other, all for a dream as big as the world. Living your partner as an opportunity for eternal glory, knowing how to wait for the right moment to take the chair after listening carefully to distinguished colleagues. Individuality at the service of the collective and never the other way around, a stage race in which everyone can be gregarious and live that condition with the pride they deserve.

You are one of the most beautiful teams I have ever seen. He says so, speaking of Napoli, Paul Zanetti that while he says it you understand that he really thinks it. Beyond the words, the gestures, because Zielinski’s goal also lets out a round of applause for the goal scored by the opponents. “She is a faithful lover, the beauty”, that he does not accept negotiations, he imposes himself and forces you to give him due recognition. You shocking words and gestures for what are our local habits, good mister.

Seven were the assists, five became the seasonal goals of Pietro, who is returning Pietro. Because we had lost the Pietro we had at the beginning of the season a little bit, we missed the real Pietro. Zielinski needs to grind the pitch, to find himself in his football, in his visions, in those tears that belong to a football hemisphere with very few inhabitants. The goal is a pearl, even more encouraging the angry exultation: if he brings out the wickedness too, it is really the right year. That I have always had a soft spot for Peter is evident, that I wanted to write Peter many times, too. Because perhaps someone had forgotten how strong the Pole was. Pietro, of course.

Otto to Osimhen, animated by a thought that knows no hesitation or weakness. Victor has the ability to regenerate like Wolverine, apparently made of Adamantium not only in the body, but also in the will. He does not allow himself to be distracted even for a second by the past, by an error or by an inaccurate control and always knows how to turn the page like a hungry reader to know, and affect, on the events to come: the action of rigor is an ideal statue for determination. . The blue 9 plays every game following the teaching of Winston Churchill: “The real success is to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm ”. Indomitable.

Nine in Lozano, who takes Empoli and overturns it like a socktearing to shreds an ending that seemed written. “Is it possible to change the past or is time an immortal beast that cannot be tamed in any way? “, Lozano laughs, aware that he has engraved like a scalpel on a race asleep on the draw track. He laughs Lozano after the penalty that he asks to kick and scores with the thrill, building a new match. A new time. A new self in a season in which everyone can become the protagonist. Unmatchable in one-on-one, lucid in choices, effective in practice. With a week late, the Assassin Doll gives a nightmare night to the Tuscans even if it were still Halloween.

Ten tenths: Luciano eye of the lynx observes everything, to the point of predicting the future. In the miraculous catch of him he takes the goals number 8 and 9 in Serie A off the bench, always finding the solution before the problem arises. Luciano has ascended to a new dimension, he has embarked on a dreamlike, revelatory, at times mystical journey like Brad Pitt’s seven-year journey to Tibet. There is the immensity in his Naples, there is the sun elbowing through the clouds and giving you the perfect ray, the one that warms you just when you need it. Divine illumination of those who seem to be made of a material different from the others, bathed in water that is a source of superior inspiration. If today he decided to open a company that produces hats in Jamaica, it would also make it snow in Kingston.

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