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‘Riga Plaza’ plans to reduce electricity consumption by almost half

The fashion and entertainment center “Rīga Plaza” will replace both indoor and outdoor lighting with energy-efficient LED lighting, using the lighting as a service solution, the company’s representatives inform.

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During the year, as a result of changing the lighting, it is planned to almost halve the electricity consumption required for it, thus also reducing the amount of CO2 emissions. The service will be provided by SIA “RCG LightHouse”.

“In the current energy situation, the transition to energy – efficient solutions is inevitable. Lighting is one of the largest generators of electricity consumption in supermarkets, so cheaper but equally efficient alternatives are primarily being sought. In the past, replacing lighting would have required a lot of investment, but now that different types of business have developed and it is even possible to rent technological solutions, we have chosen to work with industry leaders to entrust lighting replacement to RCG LightHouse Ltd., says Hannes Pihl. Member of the Board of Summus Capital.

Replacing the lighting both in the shopping center and in the adjacent area will not only improve the quality of lighting, but also significantly reduce electricity consumption and CO2 emissions. It is estimated that the new lighting solution of Rīga Plaza will reduce electricity consumption by 233.13 MWh per year, which would reduce the electricity consumption for lighting by almost 50% after the current electricity prices. The introduction of such a solution will reduce CO2 emissions from economic activities by 25.41 tonnes per year.

Energy efficiency and the issue of sustainable development in the commercial property segment is intensively discussed. Especially now, with energy tariffs rising sharply, property owners and managers are focusing on opportunities to save costs and reduce CO2 emissions while caring for the environment. I am proud that the shopping center “Rīga Plaza” managed by “Colliers” has signed an agreement to change the lighting of the center and territory to an environmentally friendly lighting system, thus becoming greener and more efficient in its daily life, “says Ēriks Bergmans, CEO and partner of Colliers .

The technical solution will be provided by SIA “RCG LightHouse”, which is the largest lighting outsourcing company (ESCO) in the Baltics. SIA “RCG LightHouse” helps companies to switch to the highest efficiency LED lighting without the initial investment and technical risks. The company has already replaced more than 150,000 lighting units in more than 400 buildings and areas in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Kaspars Osis, Chairman of the Board of RCG LightHouse Ltd., explains why companies choose such a solution instead of purchasing the lighting themselves: “The benefits from the first day of cooperation are new and high-quality lighting, lower operating costs and time savings for other, more important business challenges.” Asked about the experience of shopping centers in using such a solution in Latvia, Osis says that “Rīga Plaza” and “RCG LightHouse” lighting as an outsourced transaction between large shopping centers is the largest in Latvia so far.

This is not the first energy efficiency solution introduced in the shopping center. Last year, “Rīga Plaza” switched to the use of renewable electricity, reducing the amount of CO2 emissions generated in the production of the required electricity by 2,600 tons.

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