Home » today » News » Riga City Festival starts on Friday with a wide range of events – Free time – Apollo.lv – Woman

Riga City Festival starts on Friday with a wide range of events – Free time – Apollo.lv – Woman

Skateboarders will be one of the first to start their activities. From The Riga Skate Park Sports Cup will take place at the Alternative Sports Center “The Spot” from 10 to 18.

At 10 The urban environment exhibition “In this place and time” will start in the historical center and surroundings of Riga, inviting Riga residents and guests to get acquainted with the city’s history by taking a walk around significant places in the historical center of Riga and its surroundings. The exhibition includes 20 sightseeing objects.

At 12 In the windows of the Latvian National Archives, Šķūņu Street 11, the exhibition “Time Machine Through the Old Town” will start. This year marks the centenary of the architect, Riga researcher and preserver of monuments Andrejs Holcmanis. The exhibition was created using his once so popular excursion route around the Old Town. It will start at the Powder Tower and end at Alberta Square – the site of Riga’s origins.

For the ninth year in a row, an international competition in windsurfing “Baltic Challenge Cup” will take place in Ķīšezers during the Riga Festival. The competition is included in the official calendar of the International Windsurfing Association, as well as in the Latvian Cup ranking. The competition will start at 12.

In the quiet center, Kronvalda Park, Āgenskalns, Torņakalns, the central market, Ziedondarzs, Old Riga, Jugla and many other places from The traveling green ball of the 50th season of the Open Air Museum Fair, organized by the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, will take place from 13 to 19.

From 1 to 3 pm in the Great Hall of the Riga Culture and Recreation Center “Imanta” there will be a drawing theater performance “7 fairy tales about Newcastle” created by director Vara Klausnieks, inspired by the tales of Aivars Neibarts.

At 15 will start a walk – a game for children and parents “Old Riga Expert”, in which they are invited to go for a longer walk around the Old Town and at the same time participate in an educational game, where everyone can become a winner and receive an Old Riga expert badge.

From From 3 pm to midnight, by downloading a special application, you will have the opportunity to go to the cinema for a walk. According to the organizers of the event, Riga preserves our history and contains evidence of real past events. There are also stories hidden in the streets of Riga that are revealed in the diverse language of cinema. The event will be an opportunity to find out where legendary Latvian films have been made in Riga, where such international stars as Jackie Chan, Mickey Rurk and Ralph Fains have visited, etc.

In the concert cycle “Musical Journey to Ancient Riga”, anyone interested will be able to find an exciting discovery by listening to music of the 15th – 18th centuries, which has so far been little heard in the cultural life of Riga. The concert cycle in the Small Guild will start at 16.

In the event “Whole Riga Whole Spirit”, which will take place from 16 to 20 In Victory Park, residents and guests of Riga are invited to take part in sports activities and find out the strongest supporters of a healthy and active lifestyle.

From The installation “Imanta wakes up” created by the artist Lotte Vilma Vītiņa will be on display in the open-air territory of the Riga Culture and Recreation Center “Imanta” from 6 pm to midnight. The installation was inspired by testimonies about the Latvian national hero Imants, whose namesake is also the neighborhood.

In order to provide Rigans and guests of Riga with more opportunities to hear festive concerts, in which outstanding soloists and performers from Latvia and abroad will play, video broadcasts of concerts will take place on the big screen in the Dome Square during the festive days. From From 18.30 to 19.30 the concert “Dietrich Bukstehude” will be performed, but from Raimonds Pauls concert program “For My Riga” will be performed from 8.30 pm to 10 pm.

At 7 pm in the Great Hall of VEF Culture Palace the concert “Walk along the paths of jazz history” will start, in Mazjumprava manor the opening concert of Riga festival will start in Latgale suburbs.

At 20 The musical evenings of the Music Festival “Riga Jurmala” will start in Kronvalda Park near the Chinese classical style pavilion and arch.

Riga Festival events will also take place on Tērbatas Street, where in the yard of Riga Natalija Draudziņa Secondary School at The closing of the Tērbatas vasaras street brain games tournament will take place on the 20th. From The DJ set of the “Biit Me Riga” record store will take place on 20 to 23 Tērbatas Street.

As already mentioned from 20.30 Raimonds Pauls concert program “For My Riga” will be performed. The concert will take place in the Riga Dome Garden.

LETA has already reported that this year, public transport will not be free of charge during the Riga Festival, as in previous years.

During the Riga Festival, from August 14 to August 16, Riga public transport will run according to the holiday schedule.

This decision was made in order not to encourage additional congestion and to increase the opportunities for distancing on public transport.

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