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rifified in the ranks of the majority

The Lyon city council could well promise debates. And disagreements. Even within the majority. The elected officials will have, by the end of the year, to look into the implementation of the law on the transformation of the civil service of August 6, 2019, which imposes on local authorities a legal working time of 1,607 hours. , sounding in fact the end of derogatory regimes for agents and the loss of days of leave. While the Human Resources Assistant, Laurent Bosetti should present a deliberation which acts on this implementation, elected “communists and citizens of Lyon” today say that they are against the measure.

“Did the Lyonnais choose a new municipal majority to accompany social regression and attack the right to strike? “

“Did the Lyonnais choose a new municipal majority to accompany social regression and attack the right to strike? », Write Yacine Fekrane, councilor delegated to the mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Lyon, Aline Guitard, deputy mayor of the 4th, Boris Miachon Debard, deputy mayor of the 7th, Jean-Pierre Ottaviani, councilor of the 9th, Hugo Patouraux, deputy mayor of the 3rd, Augustin Pesche, deputy mayor of the 8th, Eugénie Wiber, delegate of the mayor of the 7th. And to add, by affirming, at one year of the Presidential, their opposition to the line of the government: “To the city bling bling of the great projects of the past, our majority declared an emergency plan for the city of the daily newspaper too. long neglected. Confidence was forged with all the agents tired by job insecurity and outsourcing. An ambitious recruitment plan is in place which faces the difficulties of recruiting innate to professions that have too long been under-valued socially, physically demanding and with low remuneration. Should this work be shattered by the application of the law on the transformation of the public service of August 6, 2019? “

“Bastion of resistance”

Finally, they affirm that “the city of Lyon must use all the means at its disposal to maintain these social gains until the last possible jurisdiction imposes it on it. Each month gained on its application will be for the benefit of our community and our inhabitants. Large metropolises can be bastions of resistance ”.

A standoff between town hall and agents: why?

After a first day of mobilization, the inter-union CGT, UGICT CGT, SUD, UNSA, CFDT, CFTC and FO is planning a new movement, on September 30, the day of the municipal council.

Since the start of the school year, a standoff has been pitting the representatives of City officials against the town hall in the context of a social dispute relating to the application of the law on the transformation of the Civil Service which establishes the extension of the duration of the staff work (1,607 hours per year). At the same time, the city of Lyon notified the obligation to declare itself strikers and the implementation of the daily count, regardless of the length of the strike carried out (1 hour or more), “thus preventing stoppages of a few hours “. The 2019 law allows mayors to deduct a full day’s salary from agents from the first hour of a strike.

La Canol demands that the mayor enforce the law

“How many annual hours of work do the 8,500 agents of the City of Lyon actually work? Who really knows? In theory, that’s 1607 hours per year. The reality is different. “

The “Canol” taxpayer association has done the math and is asking that the law be applied and respected. “Nothing else,” she says, inviting Grégory Doucet to take advantage of Law No. 2019-828, article 47, so that from January 1, 2022, this issue of annual working time is regulated and readable by all.

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