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Ridouan Taghi’s Alleged Injuries During Extradition: Clarification and Contradictions

Ridouan Taghi was not injured when he was put on a plane to the Netherlands by authorities in Dubai in December 2019. The ANP reports that the Ministry of Justice in the United Arab Emirates has informed the Netherlands of this.

To ask

The UAE’s answers come after Taghi’s former lawyer, Inez Weski, had asked the court in the Marengo trial about this several years ago. In that trial, Taghi was sentenced to life in prison because he allegedly ordered a series of underworld murders.

Broken nose

After Taghi arrived at the penitentiary in Vught in 2019, photos were taken. He arrived after a flight from Dubai to Eindhoven, with Dutch guards in a German private plane. He was handed over at a small airfield near the Palm.

In Vught it was determined that he had facial injuries. It later turned out that his nose was broken. There is no doubt about these and other injuries, a doctor has reported on this on behalf of the Ministry of Justice.

News hour

Shortly after Taghi’s arrest, television program Nieuwsuur spoke with the local police chief in Dubai, and was also provided with a photo (right). In that photo, which is said to have been taken in detention in Dubai, Taghi’s face was still undamaged.

Lawyer Weski suggested in March 2020 that the injuries were inflicted in Dubai. According to her, he was given a hood over his head before the flight. He was in pain, but according to Weski, his Dutch supervisors refused to care for him, despite the presence of a doctor on the plane.

Taghi said in 2020 that a photo had been taken of the state of his face by Dutch officials, to demonstrate that they had not abused him, but that this would have been done by officials in Dubai.

This photo is said to have been taken with a mobile phone.

Mei 2021

The answers to the questions by the Ministry of Justice in the United Arab Emirates took a long time, Weski had already asked the questions in May 2021.

The UAE now states: ‘When the requested person was extradited, he did not have any wounds’. The UAE says it has not taken any photos of Taghi, which seems to contradict the fact that Nieuwsuur was provided with a photo of Taghi’s undamaged face.


When asked, lawyer Michael Ruperti now tells the ANP that it has been confirmed ‘that the injury was inflicted by and under the responsibility of the Dutch state.’ Taghi’s lawyers will seek clarification on the matter.

There will be a new hearing in the Marengo liquidation process on December 21. The verdict is scheduled for February 27 next year.

2023-12-09 21:18:00

#Taghi #injured #deportation #Dubai #UPDATE

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