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– Ridiculous and scary – VG

Ukraine’s president takes a hard line against Vladimir Putin’s repeated allegations of Ukrainian neo – Nazis. He describes the statements as directly dangerous.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly come forward undocumented allegations that Russia is fighting against “neo-Nazis” in Ukraine. Recently, Putin also stated that the Ukrainian government is full of them.

– There are rare occasions where I smile and laugh. When I hear this, it sounds like a joke, says a Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj in an interview with CNN Sunday.

Zelensky says he can not take Putin’s allegations seriously, calling them “ridiculous.” He believes the Russian president is in an “information bunker”.

– The fact is that if he is serious about this statement, he may be able to take very gruesome steps because it would mean that this is not a game for him, Zelenskyj says.

He also described Putin’s statements as “very frightening” and “very dangerous”.

– If this is not a game, and if he believes that it is his mission to conquer our territory, and that he sees signs of neo-Nazis in our country, then many questions arise about what else he is able to do for for the sake of ambition.

Criticizes Israel: – Indifference kills

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett took an early initiative to become a possible mediator between Russia and Ukraine, and Bennet himself has met Putin in Moscow to discuss the ongoing crisis.

But the country has been criticized for not giving enough support to Ukraine, and for not imposing severe sanctions on Russia.

In a video conference with the Knesset, the Israeli National Assembly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj said on Sunday that both countries are now threatened with destruction. It reports Reuters.

“The Kremlin is talking about a final solution to the Ukrainian question, as the Nazis talked about the Jewish question in Europe,” Zelensky said, referring to the Holocaust during World War II. He also points out that the date of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, February 24, is the same as the date the Nazi party was founded in 1920.

Zelensky believes that Israel’s air defense would be able to protect Ukraine. During the meeting, he criticized the National Assembly for not supplementing Ukraine with weapons, writes The Jerusalem Post.

– We know that Israel’s air defense is the best in the world, and that it can protect us.

Furthermore, the president asks if it is not better to give direct help, than to mediate without choosing a side. Zelensky says that mediation can take place between ten sides, but not between good and evil.

– I let you decide the answer to that question, but I want to point out that indifference kills.

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