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RI Smartphone Supply is Claimed to be Safe Even though Chip Stock is Rare

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A number of vendors cell phone in Indonesia explaining the issue of scarce availability semiconductor chip, which is considered to have an impact on the production and supply of mobile phones in Indonesia.

Aryo Meidianto Public Relations Manager of OPPO Indonesia said the limited availability of chips, which are the core of cellphone production, does not have a major impact on the company’s cellphone supply.

He said Oppo had not found a chipset scarcity problem. Until now, his party has also received no reports regarding the scarcity of cellphone supplies.

“We have not received any reports of stock scarcity at all. It is still in a safe stage, production is still running,” said Aryo to CNNIndonesia.com via text message, Tuesday (25/5).

In line with Oppo, one of the cellphone vendors from China, Xiaomi also claims not to be affected by the scarcity of Chipset supply. Head of Public Relations of Xiaomi Indonesia Stephanie Sicilia said that until now Xiaomi had no interruption in the supply of cellphones.

“So far there have been no distractions [produksi dan pasokan], “Stephanie told CNNIndonesia.com, Tuesday (25/5).

He explained that the scarcity of chips is a phenomenon that occurs globally, and affects all industries that depend on chips.

This, he said, was due to growing demand from the automotive industry, which caused chip manufacturers to need time to meet market demand, resulting in scarcity.

“Xiaomi will certainly prioritize Mi Fans in Indonesia by presenting products with the latest technology in sufficient volume for users,” he concluded.

Edy Kusuma, Senior Brand Director of Vivo Indonesia, admits that there is a scarcity issue of chipsets that affects various industries, one of which is the smartphone industry. However, currently his party is still trying to meet the demand for mobile phones to all consumers.

“Vivo realizes that the issue of chipset scarcity is affecting various industries, including the smartphone industry. Currently, we are still trying to meet consumer needs for various series of Vivo smartphones,” said Edy to CNNIndonesia.com, Tuesday (25/5).

Furthermore, he hopes that there will be a positive solution to the issue of chipset scarcity, so that it can still meet consumer demand and does not hamper the supply chain of smartphone components.

Previously, the scarcity of chip production was reported to have an impact on various lines, one of which is the production of mobile phones. The technology company from the United States, Apple is said to have to limit iPhone sales due to the lack of availability of chipset components.

The scarcity of chips that are often used in computing operations to the point of cars has made producers confused in finding raw materials for production. Chipmakers in Asia are rushing to increase production to supply increasing global demand.

The scarcity of chip availability is thought to be in line with the increase in user consumption which increased during quarantine at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic last year. On the other hand, production fell due to social restrictions in factories.

This is exacerbated by the sanctions imposed by the United States government against chip manufacturers from China. The eight-inch chip maker owned by an Asian company has reportedly been struggling due to underinvestment in recent years.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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