Home » today » Business » RI Has the 2nd Largest Energy ‘Treasure’ in the World, Can it Replace Coal? : Okezone Economy

RI Has the 2nd Largest Energy ‘Treasure’ in the World, Can it Replace Coal? : Okezone Economy

JAKARTA Indonesia has a ‘treasure’ energy 2nd largest in the world. But unfortunately this has not been maximized.

This energy ‘treasure’ is in the form of geothermal or geothermal. Especially now that Indonesia is starting to move towards an energy transition, replacing fossil energy with new and renewable energy (EBT).

Also Read: 2nd largest in the world, geothermal energy in Indonesia is not only used as electricity but also a tourist destination

It is noted that Indonesia’s geothermal resources are the 2nd largest in the world at 23.7 GW, below the United States’ 30 GW. However, the utilization is only 9%.

“With a very large geothermal resource of 23.7 GW, the utilization is 2.17 GW or only 9.1% of the total potential,” said Director of Geothermal at the Directorate General of EBTKE, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Harris, quoted from the official website of the National Energy Council. , Friday (7/1/2022).

The installed capacity of geothermal energy in Indonesia is still 2,131 MW or 2.1 GW. Of course, Indonesia still has a lot of homework to do so that this ‘treasure’ can be used optimally.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources itself targets geothermal development to reach 9.3 GW in 2035. The development will be accelerated considering the government itself is pursuing the realization of net zero emissions by 2060.

With the amount of geothermal energy in Indonesia, can it replace coal? Especially now that the supply of coal for power plants is constrained, which has forced the government to temporarily ban exports.

Currently, coal is Indonesia’s main energy source. In 2021, production is estimated to reach 610 million tons. The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) even said that for exports, the portion could reach 480 million tons.

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