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Rhubarb focaccia with crumble and ice cream sauce

When guests are expected and you want to pamper them with a treat prepared by you, a piadina is a great choice. “Bez Tabu” reporter Oļegs Visockis entrusts his rhubarb flatbread recipe to the readers of “tv3.lv”, who attended the “Almost ideal dinner” culinary show in a motley company this week.

“I made a focaccia, because the rhubarb crop that grew in my wife’s grandmother’s garden, harvested in the spring, was waiting to be used in the freezer. I wanted to complement it with some homemade ice cream, but my colleague Agnese Drunka he suggested going in an unusual way, serving something unusual and also a quick preparation like a focaccia,” Oļegs told ‘tv3.lv’.


The focaccia dough requires:

  • Rhubarb (ideally, if you picked it from your own garden, a relative’s garden, or a neighbor’s garden)
  • Sugar (the amount depends on the level of sweetness)
  • 3 eggs (preferably free range eggs – due to karma)
  • 3 cups* of flour
  • 1 cup* of sour cream
  • 1 cup* of sugar
  • A teaspoon of baking soda, starch and citric acid

To cover the focaccia you will need:

  • 1 cup* of sour cream
  • Half a glass* of sugar
  • 1 egg (from the same hens)
  • A teaspoon of vanilla sugar

Drumstalu super puper ingredients:

  • 100 g of butter
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • Bonus flour – depending on the consistency you get (you’ll have to trust your hands here).

*Graonka style


  1. Let’s start with the rhubarb. If fresh, then, of course, peel and cut into pieces. This time, the pieces – frozen from the spring – should be defrosted and coated with sugar. After that, so that you don’t have to navigate or stupidly stand near the oven, heat it up to 200 degrees Celsius in time.
  2. Then start making the dough. Here everything is elementary and without “chakar”: throw the components of the above-described cake dough (do not mix with the other parts) into a beautiful container. If you mix with your hands, you can mix the warmth of the heart beautifully. If time is short and gas and electricity bills are a concern (depending on your oven’s power supply), you can use a mixer. In both cases, a homogeneous mass should be obtained. You will need a wide and low baking sheet shape, it should be covered with baking paper. And then pour the dough onto the tray with a light hand. In the words of Viola Abramovas-Mailīte, the specific copy was too “mysterious”, so we have to see how dense the unveiled puzzle will be. Who likes to stroke his stomach, can not bother and even scrape everything to the last. So we’re back to what we started with: Sliced, sugar-soaked rhubarb pieces are filigreely arranged all over the pan.
  3. Now you can get to the “sauce”, that is, mix all the ingredients intended for pouring flatbread in one container and pour the dough with rhubarb on top.
  4. It’s time for waste, where you still have to see and feel the material with your hands. In a new container or in the same pre-washed container, mix the butter and sugar with your fingers, adding the flour a little at a time. The consistency of the dough is such that it can be effortlessly “teared” into small pieces (let them be crumbly, not elastic). When you get the right thing, the used cake is covered with crumbs (here it is also a matter of taste – firstly, whether to put it at all, secondly – how much).
  5. Now the pan in the oven. Cook for about an hour. It would not hurt to take a look from time to time, if the “black” suddenly looks up. When he’s ready, take him out instead of letting him warm up. Even a switched off oven cooks longer, cheers!
  6. Exclusive ice cream sauce (if you freeze longer, you get ice cream too) according to the recommendation of TV and radio personality Agnes Drunka: (For four people) Freeze two (probably more) sliced ​​bananas. Take it out of the freezer (preferably after more than 4 hours), add 350-400 g of Greek or Turkish yogurt. It’s ideal to have two scoops of protein powder on hand. If there isn’t, we take the honey out of the cupboard and throw it away according to the sensations. Blend everything and eat it right away. Cool, but not completely hard – it won’t break your teeth. In this particular case, a delicious and fresh sauce was obtained with a relatively recent and still warm piadina. The sauce complemented the slightly dry focaccia perfectly.

Enjoy your meal!

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