Home » today » Entertainment » Rhône. In December, two players won 500,000 euros in Lyon

Rhône. In December, two players won 500,000 euros in Lyon

The holiday season can bring its share of surprises. And they are of size for these two Lyonnais, happy winners of more than 500,000 euros each.

The first at Cash, with a scratch ticket deposited on December 9, at a tobacconist in Lyon 7e. 500,000 euros at once with 5 euros of stake, for this faithful of the game, still moved, who already knows that part of his gain will contribute to a family project dear to his heart.

“Buy a pied-à-terre in the mountains for beautiful hikes”

The second won 548,000 euros playing Loto foot, a sports betting game. He found the good result of 14 football matches on December 16 and deposited his grid in a tobacco shop in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon, with a stake of 32 euros.

This regular bettor is planning some renovation work in the apartment of a member of his family and some donations for associations. He also thinks of “buying a pied-à-terre in the mountains to go on beautiful hikes,” he says, with a smile.

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